Celebrities attend Thaynara OG luau
“São João da Thay” is a festival that will take place on the next 7th and 8th, the host Thaynara OG received, this Monday (3), several celebrities in a moment marked with a luau, live music and a meeting of famous people at the city of Barreirinhas, in Maranhão. The highlights of the night were the reunion between former Big Brother Brasil participants and João Lucas' return to the stage, after a two-year career break.
Saint John's Night
Almost two months after the end of the program, Beatriz Reis, Giovanna Lima, Lucas Pizane, Marcus Vinicius, Matteus Amaral and Ráculo Cardozo met again in a friendly atmosphere at São João da Thay, led by influencer Thaynara OG. In addition to the BBB 24 brothers, names like Milton Cunha, Babu, Ricky Tavares, Laura Simões, Bota Pó, and others, also attended the party, totaling 100 guests.
Thay's post about the luau (Video: reproduction/Instagram/@taynaraog)
The festival, which took place a few kilometers from Lençóis Maranhenses, had singers Lucas Lima and João Lucas as main attractions. Sasha Meneghel's husband, until then, had been away from the stage for two years and will make his official return to the general public next Saturday (8). “I prepared a really cool repertoire, with a new song that is part of the album I will release in the second semester”, revealed João to Quem Magazine.
Lucas Lima and João Lucas perform in São João da Thay (Photo: Reproduction/Leo Franco/Ag News)
Festival details
This week, during the 7th and 8th of June, São João da Thay will bring a sequence of shows to an expected audience of approximately 30 thousand people. THE line-up The festival is made up of artists such as Pabllo Vittar, Christian Chávez, Alceu Valença, Preta Gil, Lucy Alves, Banda Magnifiques, Taty Girl, Zaynara, Wesley Safadão, and others. The event will take place at Shopping da Ilha, in São Luís do Maranhão. Tickets can be purchased through the Bilheteria Digital website.
Featured photo: Thaynara OG on the first night of São João da Thay (Reproduction/Leo Franco/Ag News)
Celebrities attend Thaynara OG luau
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