Check out some fringes that will be successful in 2025
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Just as a new year is upon us, new trends also arrive, just as others return. Bangs have never gone out of fashion, however, there are always different cut options for them. Check out some fringe cuts that promise to be successful in the coming year.
Straight bangs
This is a classic fringe cut, which is usually eyebrow-length. This fringe can be worn by everyone, regardless of their face shape. It's a good option for those looking for something classic and elegant at the same time. This fringe also suits straight, wavy and curly hair.
Straight bangs are a trend for 2025 (Photo: reproduction/Pinterest/@hadviser_com)
There are those who love it and those who hate it. For this fringe, the cut is made above the eyebrow line. According to hairdresser Devin Toth, this cut gives the impression of elongating the face. It's a bolder cut with a lot of personality. Microfringe also requires faster maintenance, depending on the speed of hair growth.
Microfringes help to lengthen the face (Photo: reproduction/Pinterest/@kapselvoorbeelden)
Curtain Bangs
This fringe, unlike the previous ones, does not have a straight, dry cut. The name comes from English and refers to curtains – translation of “curtain”. This fringe, unlike the others, is worn sideways, resembling a curtain. For a more harmonious look, it is recommended that the cut blend in with the rest of the hair. You can do this fringe cut on any hair texture, from straight to curly.
Curtain bangs resemble a curtain (Photo: reproduction/Pinterest/@tiredtexanhairstyle)
Soft Bangs
Soft Bangs are fringes similar to Curtain Bangs, but they differ in height. Typically, Soft Bangs start slightly below the eyes and end on the cheek. This is also a bold and elegant cut and can be done on any hair texture.
Soft bangs are bets for 2025 (Photo: reproduction/Pinterest/@fashionGlamFlow)
Frayed fringe
This fringe, unlike the first one we mentioned, does not have a straight cut. Shorter than the Curtain Bang and Soft Bang, this fringe still has a forehead-length cut, however, in the center it is shorter and on the sides it is longer. In addition to being elegant, they also combine with different textures.
Frayed bangs are elegant and bold (Photo: reproduction/Pinterest/@chellecam)
Side bangs
As the name suggests, this fringe falls on just one side of the face. It can be used on hair of all textures. For those with straight hair, it is possible to do a brush, drying the hair to the desired side. As for curly women, to avoid having to straighten the hair, just finish your hair normally, pulling the bangs to the desired side. These bangs may or may not be longer. It is also possible to secure the bangs with a clip, so that they are not in front of the eyes.
Side bangs are a trend for 2025 (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@aaliyah)
One point that must be said is about the maintenance of the fringes. Curtain and Soft Bangs do not require as little maintenance as others, which require shorter maintenance times to avoid losing their shape. Furthermore, any haircut requires external and, especially, internal care to keep your hair healthy.
Featured photo: fringes will be popular in 2025 (Reproduction/Instagram/@taisdeverdade)
Check out some fringes that will be successful in 2025
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Check out some fringes that will be successful in 2025