Cleo Pires talks about new projects as an actress and singer and her desire to be a mother
At 41 years old, actress, producer, singer and businesswoman Cleo Pires is in the cinema with the feature film “Vida de Maria”. Cleo is an actress and co-producer in the film in which she plays a teacher:“I play a teacher who is super in favor of scholarships and scholarship holders. I thought it was an important film, which talks about a sensitive topic”, declares to Globo.
Also on air with the series “Magia de Aruna”, on Disney +, the actress says that the complexity of the theme seduced her, and with less attachment to the “standard” that they expect from her, today she defends projects that touch the soul, and says she creates opportunity to not depend on the market, which is so ageist, especially with women.
Cleo Pires in the Disney Plus series “Magia de Aruna” (photo: reproduction/Instagram/@cleo)
Musical and business projects
In addition to audiovisual and without being afraid to dare, Cleo is also involved in musical projects. One with his stepfather Orlando Morais and sisters Antonia and Ana and in videos from his album “Dark Pop”. Pires is also involved in business projects, being a partner in a nightclub and a sustainable construction company, with her husband Leandro D' Lucca.
Cleo with her sisters Antonia and Ana and her stepfather Orlando Morais (photo: reproduction/Instagram/@cleo)
Life changing
After three ceremonies and planning the fourth with her partner, Cleo greatly values the family she is building. Gael’s stepmother, plans children and exalts the importance of her partner, “ Leandro is a great partner, it makes it easier. I sought to improve many things. Maybe you are in this quest, to always be improving, but already receiving some laurels” he said in an interview with globo.
With a remarkable career, which began at the age of twelve, Cleo Pires made many soap operas and films. Considered a sex symbol, her presence in the media has always been emblematic, with the discovery of ADHD and Hashimoto's syndrome, the actress had to make radical changes in her routine and today the winds carry her towards various paths of great success, in all aspects. areas of your life.
Featured Photo: Cleo Pires (Reproduction/ Instagram/@cleo)
Cleo Pires talks about new projects as an actress and singer and her desire to be a mother
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