Discover Everything from the 7th Day of the Cannes Film Festival
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On the morning of this Monday (22), another day of 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festivalcarried out in the south of France. With an intense program, the cinema's brilliant red carpet presented several photocall of productions that are being launched to the press as well as the public at the event, ranging from box office hits to independent films
Among the features that stood out on this seventh day of the festival are the Chinese drama “The Breaking Ice”which follows the story of three young adults adrift in the middle of a heavy winter blizzard, perhaps proposing a romance between them, the program also featured the French thriller “Anatomy of a Fall”, which takes us to an investigation involving a suspicious death. Amidst the announcements, the actors, directors and screenwriters had their opportunity to present a little more about each of their respective roles in the productions.
The day was also busy with a protest carried out by the collective CUT (Cinemas United for Transition)presenting a letter of protest the group, which involves around 400 professionals in the field of cinematographic arts, demanded more sustainable actions in the world of audiovisual, the proposal invited the sector to unite in favor of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in pursuit of carbon neutrality.
Activists protest at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival (Photo/Reproduction/Getty Images)
The red carpet was also attended by several artists, including actors Jude Law It is Alicia Vikanderwho star in the film “Firebrand”a production by Brazilian director Karim Aïnouzwhich was still on yesterday's schedule (21) was one of those selected to compete for Palme d'Or, the main prize of Cannes.
Jude Law with Brazilian director Karim Ainouz and Alicia Vikander at the Cannes Film Festival (Photo/Reproduction/Reuters/Yara Nardi)
Many other celebrities and productions promise to shine in what is considered one of the main film festivals, which this year began last Tuesday (16th) and is scheduled to run until May 27th.
Featured Photo: Cast of “Anatomy of a fall” at Cannes Film Festival. Reproduction/Getty Images
Discover Everything from the 7th Day of the Cannes Film Festival
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Discover Everything from the 7th Day of the Cannes Film Festival