Discover how to protect yourself from respiratory allergies in winter
Winter has arrived and with it comes respiratory allergies. Rhinitis and sinusitis are the most common at this time of year and occur due to some factors, such as low air humidity, increased pollution in the atmosphere, declining temperatures and due to the greater concentration of people in closed places.
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose mucosa, generating, among the main symptoms, sneezing, coughing, runny nose and headache. It is usually related to people with allergies to dust, mites or animal hair.
the sinusitis It is an inflammation of the so-called sinuses, a region that is below the eyes and above the cheeks. Its main symptoms are runny nose, heavy face, headache, and may have fever. The disease is caused by the influenza virus, but it can also have its bacterial version, caused by bacteria present in the nasal discharge. That’s why it’s important that it be treated from the beginning with the help of a doctor.
At the first symptoms, the ideal is always to seek medical help (Photo: Reproduction/
Otorhinolaryngologist Dr. Cristiane Passos Dias Levy, from Hospital Paulista, who specializes in allergies, says that in winter and with drier and colder air, the airways become dry, therefore making the body more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, thus developing infections, which cause sinusitis.
Men and women suffer from respiratory allergies (Photo: Reproduction/
how to prevent
Keeping the house clean, ventilated and dust free is essential. The ideal is to clean all rooms, with a vacuum cleaner and then a damp cloth. Do not leave objects accumulating dust, and always wash curtains and carpets.
Another important tip is to keep the environment humidified, and for that, you can use a bucket of water, damp cloths and for those who can, you can also use electric humidifiers in the environment. By doing this, fungi, mites and molds are prevented from proliferating throughout the house.
Not smoking is also very important, as this habit makes the airways irritated and ends up facilitating the worsening of the allergy.
Maintaining a balanced diet, with nutritious foods, helps to strengthen the immune system and thus decrease the chances of contracting allergies and them evolving for the worse. Citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges, green vegetables are best suited to increase the body’s defenses.
Always wash your hands with soap and water, or when you have no way, use gel alcohol to sanitize them. Hands are the gateway to disease, because everything you touch with them is full of microorganisms that are harmful to our health.
At the first symptoms, do not self-medicate, always seek a doctor to indicate the correct treatment.
Featured photo: Man blowing his nose. Photo: reproduction/
Discover how to protect yourself from respiratory allergies in winter
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