Eliana talks about old rivalry with Xuxa and Angélica

by Xavier Catherine
Eliana talks about old rivalry with Xuxa and Angélica

Eliana talks about old rivalry with Xuxa and Angélica

This Tuesday (26) presenter Eliana, 48, was present on the podcast Whoever can, can hosted by Giovanna Ewbank and Fernanda Paes Leme on Youtube, without ceremony the blonde commented on the old rivalry with fellow presenters Xuxa and Angélica.

“Maturity brings us so much closer. Or not. But in our case, it did. This thing where we get up and think ‘wow, this is tiring’, of supporting other women, of extending a hand, that didn’t exist for years, it was a rivalry…”explains Eliana about the former rivals who have now become friends.

She also confirmed the existence of the supposed WhatsApp group of the presenters, and joked about revealing the name of the controversial group: “Next: for me, ok, for Angel ok, it was even her (Xuxa) who gave the name to the group.”

The presenter also recalled her participation in Latin Grammy of 2000,“I went to a Grammy party, I met Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera, and J-Lo was dating Puff Daddy (now Diddy), I saw (guitarist) Santana. I asked Santana for a picture and he didn't want it.“, account.

Eliana also commented on her sex life during the podcast, during the segment “to whom you give your little fingers”a challenge on the podcast in which the guest uses his fingers to answer questions asked by the presenters.

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Giovanna Ewbank asked the guest how old she was when she lost her virginity, the presenter laughed and exclaimed “I believe what a thing”but she didn't stand on ceremony and responded by making the number 18 with her hands, “actually, it was 18”.

Eliana on the podcast “Whoever can, can” (reproduction/POPline)

“18 like me.” said Giovanna, “Wow, late, huh? If only we knew, right?” Eliana joked, “You said it for real, did you have any experience before?”asked Giovanna, “No. Foreplay, right? Eighteen was real.”replied the host of Programa da Eliana on SBT.

Fernanda Lemes didn't miss the opportunity to play with the song “little fingers” for which Eliana stayed known, “Before it was just little fingers, right, Eliana? That’s a lie, that’s awful, cut that part out”, “I’m not going to tell you, but it’s wonderful to touch yourself and you have to do it.” replied Eliana.

During the program, the presenter also revealed that she had already sent nudes to her husband, Adriano Ricco, however she also revealed her fear of the images being leaked, Fernanda Lemes, so she advised the guest to “dress up” to take the photos, because according to her “if it leaks it will make money”.

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Eliana took the opportunity to highlight the importance of laws such as the Carolina Dieckman Law, passed in 2012, which criminalizes the practice of sharing intimate photos of another person without their consent.

Featured photo: Xuxa, Angélica and Eliana (Reproduction/Extra Online)

Eliana talks about old rivalry with Xuxa and Angélica

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