Flávia Saraiva reveals that she was almost out of the running for a medal at the Olympics

by Xavier Catherine
Flávia Saraiva reveals that she was almost out of the

Flávia Saraiva reveals that she was almost out of the running for a medal at the Olympics

Last Thursday (08), Flávia Saraiva, the beloved gymnast Flavinha, revealed to the public that she was almost left out of the competition after falling during warm-ups for the competitions. Amid more than an hour of conversation with Igão (Igor Cavalari) and Mítica (Thiago Marques), the athlete was present at the 14th episode of Podpah in Paris.

Flávia makes a special appearance in episode 14 of Podpah in Paris (Photo: reproduction/@podpah/@flavialopessaraiva/Instagram)

Flavinha with blood in her eyes

On July 30th, Brazilian gymnasts made history at the Olympics. In the team artistic gymnastics final, Brazil shared the podium with the United States and Italy. With third place in the sport, the first team medal was brought to the Brazilian people. The unprecedented bronze that came with a taste of gold.

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In addition to the difficulty of facing large squads, such as the American squad, named after Simone Biles, and the Italian squad, featuring Alice D'Amato, the Brazilians went through unexpected stress. During the uneven bars warm-ups, Flávia Saraiva suffered a bad fall.

Before even entering the race, Flavinha fell to the ground bleeding. The athlete was unable to hold the bar, fell and the gymnast's knee hit the eyebrow area. A cut in the eyebrow area left the little Brazilian giant with a black eye.

With little time left for the test, Flávia was taken away to receive first aid. Despite the scare, the Brazilian climbed high on the uneven bars and flew. With blood in her eyes, the gymnast had a great performance that contributed to winning the first Brazilian medal in artistic team gymnastics. With a fall and all, Flavinha, Rebeca Andrade, Jade Barbosa, Júlia Soares and Lorrane Oliveira brought home the unprecedented bronze.

Flavinha performs alongside her teammates in the artistic gymnastics team final even after falling (Photo: reproduction/@flavialopessaraiva/Instagram)

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After all the anxiety and nervousness of the artistic gymnastics competitions, Flávia Saraiva participated in a conversation lasting approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes with the Podpah presenters. Still in Paris, the gymnast told listeners about the accident she suffered in the finals.

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Amid the shock of having fallen during warm-ups, Flavinha says that the doctor was very concerned about the possibility of a deeper head injury due to the impact. Despite all the stress, Flávia remembers that she asked her partner Jade to touch up the makeup that had come off due to the injury. “Jade, put some concealer here. I saw that when the doctor cleaned it, all my makeup came off. I want to look beautiful, right!”said the Brazilian on the podcast.

With a happy and charismatic face, Flavinha relived a frightening event during a conversation at Podpah. As shocking and challenging as it was, the gymnast reports facing it with blood in her eyes and a huge heart.

Featured photo: Flávia Saraiva tells in an episode of the Podpah podcast about the fall she suffered in the finals of the bronze medal competition (Reproduction/ @podpah/ @flavialopessaraiva / Instagram)

Flávia Saraiva reveals that she was almost out of the running for a medal at the Olympics

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