Government of São Paulo approves law prohibiting electronic devices in schools
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This Friday (6), the governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio Freitas, approved a law that restricts the use of cell phones in the state's school environment. Public and private schools will have up to 30 days to adapt to comply with the new rule. The law approved in the State of São Paulo follows an issue that is extremely debated worldwide. Recently, the topic that provides for the prohibition of the use of cell phones in the school environment was proposed as a bill by the Ministry of Education.
The proposal, authored by state deputy Marina Helou and co-authored by more than 40 deputies, when voted on, was approved without divergences in the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo, Alesp. The text, accepted by the deputies, argues that the indiscriminate use of electronic devices in classrooms has negatively influenced the way students relate to each other and, mainly, their learning process.
Banning the use of electronic devices
With the new law in force, the use of any devices that have internet access is prohibited, be it cell phones, tablets and/or similar devices. However, the prohibition is related to the use of the device in a school environment, therefore, the student will be able to bring their electronic device to school, but must leave it stored in appropriate spaces, which will be made available by the education network and their access will be denied. during the school period. Furthermore, according to the new law, schools will be responsible for the integrity of the phones under their custody during class hours.
Child in a school environment using a cell phone (Photo: reproduction/ AlenaPaulus/Getty Images Embed)
When will students be able to use electronic devices?
In specific situations, the law authorizes students to have access to electronic devices with internet access on school premises. Students may use their devices under the following conditions: to carry out school activities that require the use of electronic devices with internet; and when students with disabilities need technological resources to carry out their school activities. In this case, the student will have permanent authorization to do so.
It is clear that the law will not limit communication between students, their families and the educational institution. However, according to the Department of Education, communication will take place respecting the rules to be established by the state's own schools.
Featured Photo: child in the classroom using his cell phone (Reproduction/Daniel Reinhardt/Getty Images Embed)
Government of São Paulo approves law prohibiting electronic devices in schools
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Government of São Paulo approves law prohibiting electronic devices in schools