Grazi Massafera talks about shippers and her relationship with Cau Reymond
This Thursday (1) the Rio de Janeiro hosted the much-awaited fashion event sponsored by designer Carolina Herrerathis will be the brand's first presentation outside its standard location, in New York, United States. The attraction promises to focus all the attention of the fashion world on the lands of Rio and was attended by several celebrities from different countries, including Brazilian ones, among them was Thank you Massafera.
The 40-year-old actress and model attended the event very well dressed wearing one of her favorite cards, under a red dress Massafera posed alongside the fellow model, Mariana Goldfarbex-wife of the actor Cauã Reymond43, of whom Thank you She has also been married and has a daughter, little Sofiawhich recently turned 11 years old.
Grazi Massafera and Mariana Goldfarb (Reproduction/Manuela Scarpa/Brazil News)
Massafera even stopped to give an interview to the magazine Whoin the conversation she opened up about her love life in addition to giving details about her relationship with her ex-husband. Thank you and Cauã they were married for around 6 years, interrupting the union in 2013, and in 2019 the actor exchanged rings with the nutritionist Mariana Goldfarb, however, the relationship also came to an end in April this year. Since the announcement, fans of the actors have been rooting for a possible reconciliation between the ex-couple, even more so after the recent recordings of the two at their daughter's birthday party Sofia.
In today's interview, the actress made a point of ruling out any possibility of getting back together with the heartthrob. Earth and Passion (TVGlobo), “Everything that is in people's imagination concerns them and not us” she pointed at the shipperstressing that he maintains a mature relationship with the actor linked solely to his daughter “We deal with this very well, because it is a partnership that will last for life in relation to our daughter”, he pointed out. “We have friendship, partnership. Nothing more [que] that”, she explained.
In addition to Massafera and Golfarb, the event was also attended by other celebrities such as couples Taís Araújo and Lazaro Ramos, Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliassoamong many others.
Featured Photo: Grazi Massafera alongside her daughter Sofia and Cauã Reymond. Reproduction/Instagram/@massafera
Grazi Massafera talks about shippers and her relationship with Cau Reymond
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