How to clear app cache on Android phone

by James Williams
How to clear app cache on Android phone

How to clear app cache on Android phone
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Every application has a storage folder called cache, which hosts data about users' usage experience. However, when the folder becomes overcrowded, it can affect the use of the software.

Therefore, we have put together a tutorial that teaches you how to clear the application cache folder on your Android phone. The tactic can improve slowness problems faced in the app and also free up internal storage. Check out more information below.

What is the application cache folder?

As we have already explained, every application has a folder called “cache”. This is where some temporary information is stored, based on its use in an app. For example, if you performed a search in the search bar of a streaming service, the platform will record this search to recommend it to you in the future; This way, you won't have to type everything again.

image shows computer keys forming the word 'cache'
App cache illustration (Viktar Dzindzikav/Shutterstock)

On the other hand, if this folder becomes overcrowded or has hosted corrupted data, it may cause a drop in the app's playback performance. In other words, the application may crash, slow down, and become unresponsive. In these cases, one of the recommendations is to delete the data from the cache folder.

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How to clear the application cache folder on an Android phone

Time required: 2 minutes

  1. Access the device settings

    After unlocking the screen, access the notification shade, look for the button with the gear icon and select it to open the settings panel;image shows an arrow pointing to the settings button in the notifications sector

  2. Select the correct location

    Then a menu list will be available to you. Look for the “Applications” option and select it;image shows the application control sector on the android cell phone

  3. Choose an app

    A list of all installed applications will be available. Now, search for the desired app and select it to open the actions panel;image shows an arrow pointing to an application on an android cell phone

  4. Enter the data folder

    Scroll down until you find the “Storage and cache” option and click on it;image shows arrow pointing to the cache and internal storage button in an android cell phone application

  5. Clear the cache folder

    Finally, click on the “Clear cache” option and then confirm the action.image shows an arrow pointing to the button to delete the cache folder in an application

How to clear app cache on Android phone

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How to clear app cache on Android phone

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