Jade Picon poses for a fashion shoot in a sensual and elegant bodysuit
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Digital influencer Jade Picon, 22, posed and graced a fashion shoot. The choice of the actress's look for the photos consisted of an elegant black bodysuit, with very low-cut white details and a Balmain bag. Behind-the-scenes footage and official photos were shared by her on her Instagram page on Thursday night (20).
The production of the look brought elegance and sensuality to the actress, as the body stands out for its tight cut, enhancing the silhouette, the elegance transmitted through the short sleeves and which complements the neckline in a subtly sexy way.
The look

Jade Picon for fashion photoshoot (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@jadepicon)
The complete outfit features classic black tights, which complement the elegance of the look. The geometric pointy toe heel with a modern design adds sophistication and maintains the standard of the look.
Jade Picon for fashion photoshoot (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@jadepicon)
The bodysuit that the influencer wore for the shoot is a versatile, sophisticated and contemporary piece.
More details about the look
Jade wore a classic and contemporary hairstyle, her hair loose with soft waves and the strands drawn and directed to the side, providing a classic look.
Jade Picon for fashion photoshoot (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@jadepicon)
In addition to Jade's beauty, the Jolie Madame bag from the Balmain brand, valued at almost R$10,000, played a leading role during the taking and completion of the photos. The actress received the brand's bag and carried out the fashion shoot, highlighting mainly the beauty of the bag.
Jade Picon for fashion photoshoot (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@jadepicon)
Several comments regarding the production were written for the digital influencer, highlighting the beauty of the production and even rumors and requests for romance in response to the comment that singer MC Daniel, also known as Falcão, left on Jade's publication.
“Dear diary, she went from Balmain, she looked, me too”, wrote the funk singer and also a participant in the show Dança dos Famosos.
In response, fans of the two artists hypothesize rumors and express happiness when imagining a couple: “Good, brabon. Date, bro. It would be a beautiful couple, shippo”, commented one fan.
“Daniel, you and Jade go super well together. You're cute and funny lol”wrote another follower; “Dani, forgive me, but I ship too much”comment from another fan.
Among several comments, the singer's comment was the one that caught the most attention from fans and followers and generated repercussions on the web.
Featured Photo: Jade Picon poses for a fashion photoshoot (Reproduction/Leftel Studio/QUEM)
Jade Picon poses for a fashion shoot in a sensual and elegant bodysuit
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Jade Picon poses for a fashion shoot in a sensual and elegant bodysuit