Justin Timberlake releases the music video for his new single “Selfish”
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Justin Timberlake surprised everyone this Thursday (25) with the release of the official video for “Selfish”, the singer's biggest new single. The track will be part of the album “Everything I Thought It Was”, his first album after a five-year break without releasing anything new.
New album
On the new album, Timberlake partners with rapper and producer Timbaland, who also worked on the album “FutureSex/LoveSounds”, the singer's most successful album since his solo career. On his social networks, the star's photos and posts were archived, and an unprecedented performance at the Orpheum Theater, in Memphis (Tennessee), was announced. At the show, Justin presented the track “Selfish” for the first time, which received its official video today and will be on the new album.
The new album promises to bring back the singer's more “fun” side, just like his megahit “Can't Stop The Feeling”, from 2016, for the animation “Trolls”. Even though there is no set date, it is known that the album will be released later this year.
Cover of the album “Everything I Thought It Was” (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/Justin Timberlake)
Justin Timberlake's career
Passionate about music, Justin Timberlake's career began in his childhood, when the singer participated in the program “Clube do Mickey” and, during one of the recordings, he met JC Chasez, with whom he joined and formed the famous boyband “N Sync”. “N ysnc”, as well as Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys, were part of the most successful music scene of the 2000s, when a new era began in the history of pop music.
In 2002, Timberlake released his first solo album “Justfied” and began his solo career. The singer has already been to Brazil three times. The first, when he was still part of “N sync” to participate in Rock In Rio. The second was in 2013, when he came to release his film “Aposta Máxima” and participate in Rock In Rio. In 2017, he also came to participate of Rock in Rio and, until then, the singer showed no further signs here.
Now, we just have to wait to find out if, after the official release of the album, Justin will return to the stage for a new world tour.
Featured photo: Justin Timberlake in the video for “Selfish” (Reproduction/tenhomaisdiscosqueamigos)
Justin Timberlake releases the music video for his new single “Selfish”
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Justin Timberlake releases the music video for his new single “Selfish”