Kayky Brito's wife returns to Curitiba

by Xavier Catherine
Kayky Brito's wife returns to Curitiba

Kayky Brito's wife returns to Curitiba

Actor Kayky Brito was discharged on Friday (29), on Saturday the actor was already at the family home. His wife published images with her husband and there was no mention of the Brito family, Kayky's sister, Sthefany Brito, published images of celebration with the family, but Tamara does not appear in the photos nor is she mentioned, which makes followers question.


Journalist Tamara Dalcanale, wife of Kayky Brito, shared photos with her husband last Saturday (30) celebrating his release from the hospital. In the description, she says that he was discharged and that he stayed in Rio recovering, she also informs that she would be returning to Curitiba to take care of her children. She reports in a rant tone.

The actor's wife begins her text by reporting on the 27 difficult days that were Kayky's hospitalization period. “[…]O your step by step, your daily struggle and, most impressively, your strength! From when you opened your eyes, to finally seeing you leaving the hospital. Every day that I was there with you watching your progress […]”.

She continues to thank all the professionals who took care of her husband during the period he was in the hospital. In addition to them, Tamara gave special thanks to a couple of friends who opened the doors of their home to her. “[…]I want to thank Márcia and Zeca, the most sensational couple, and their entire family, who opened the doors of their home, welcomed me and took care of me like a daughter[…]”she thanked.

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Finally, she made the announcement that she would have to leave and return home.

In Stephany's publication, the actress thanks her parents and husband. “[…]My mother, my father and my husband are tireless at all times. My husband was my rock, my strength and my escape when everything was falling apart and I thought I no longer had the strength to deal with everything!” she wrote in one excerpt.

Photo: Stephany Brito posts photo celebrating his brother's discharge

Photo: Stephany Brito posts a photo celebrating his brother's discharge (Reproduction/Instagram/@sthefanybrito)

The actress's followers were surprised why Tamara was not mentioned or appeared in the photos, some speculate that there is a disagreement between the Brito family and the journalist.

The accident

Kayky Brito was with his friend, actor Bruno de Luca at Orla da Barra da Tijuca. As Kayky was leaving, he was hit by a car that left the actor in serious condition in the hospital.

In images released by Spectacular Sunday this Sunday (01), reveals images that Bruno tries to keep Kayky away from a woman, the actor tries to interact with the woman, apparently trying to get her number, but is stopped by his friend.

According to Estadão, he tried to contact Tamara, but so far he has not received a response about what happened.

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Featured photo: Tamara with Kayky Brito. Reproduction/Instagram/@tamaradalcanale

Kayky Brito's wife returns to Curitiba

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#Kayky #Brito39s #wife #returns #Curitiba

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