Kristen Stewart reveals why she agreed to play Princess Diana
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Actress Kristen Stewart, 31, revealed that she only agreed to play Princess Diana because she loved her since she was a child.
In an interview with Deadline, she said: “I'm not someone who had a super-developed relationship with her, or with the royal family as a whole, but I wouldn't have played this role unless I loved her (…) It's so easy to do, it's so immediate”.
Subtitled trailer for 'Spencer' (Video: Reproduction/Youtube/
And he continued talking about the film, “I've heard a lot about this movie being a horror film about her life. And look, I'm totally fine with that. I just think that if I could inhabit any of your points of view for a few minutes, and see what you think, just to see the memories that you have, and you put them on screen, it could be a horror film! (…) It's the moment that she decides to walk away from that marriage. And that decision is difficult. She finds her identity, I think, and decides to move on. She was in a very troubled marriage… She understood that she could have a life with her children outside of that structure, that institution.”Kristen concluded.
Kristen Stewart is an American actress and director, and is best known for starring in the 'Twilight' film saga, and also for the films 'Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), 'Panic Room' (2002), Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005), 'Charlie's Angels' (2019), and 'Underwater' (2020).
'Spencer' tells the story of what Princess Diana's (Kristen Stewart) final days with Prince Charles (Jack Farthing) may have been like. After rumors of betrayal and divorce spread, Diana decided to leave Prince Charles. This film has already premiered in much of the world, but here it was scheduled for last Thursday (11) but distributor Diamond Films postponed it days before.
Featured photo: Kristen Stewart. Reproduction/Diamond Films
Kristen Stewart reveals why she agreed to play Princess Diana
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Kristen Stewart reveals why she agreed to play Princess Diana