Mari Saad apologizes after criticism of the lack of diversity of tones in Mascavo
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This Saturday (2), influencer Mari Saad used her social media to apologize to consumers of her makeup brand. Mascavo, which was recently launched, received a lot of criticism for the lack of inclusion of shades for dark black people.
Apology and promise of change
Mari Saad begins the video by saying that she admits and takes responsibility for the mistakes that were made, in addition to feeling guilty that the launch of the product line did not include darker skin tones. “I failed you very badly and with everything I believe in. I'm here to apologize to everyone I hurt.”he expressed.
The businesswoman said that the inclusion of a diversity of shades was one of her main commitments when she created Mascavo and that she was wrong in not waiting for the entire range to be ready to launch, just as she is doing with the foundations and concealers. The influencer points out that this is not meant to be a justification, but rather to express the mistake she made.
However, she sees this as a chance to learn and is committed to correcting this problem, reporting that she is working hard to bring this diversity as quickly as possible. “It is in these moments that our character is tested and revealed. Sometimes, life teaches us in a very harsh way and I really wanted to be able to gain your trust and show that I am capable of listening, changing, and prone to mistakes”he vented.
Mari Saad's statement about the lack of diversity in the Mascavo tone palette (Video: reproduction/Instagram/@marisaad)
Reaction on networks and criticism from influencers
After two years of waiting and public anxiety, Mascavo appeared on the makeup market last Monday (28). Among the items launched at its debut are six blushes, four contour shades, three highlighters and two bronzers, in addition to makeup brushes and sponges, Mari Saad's flagship product when she had her line in partnership with Océane. However, internet users began to react negatively when they saw that the contours and bronzers were not suitable for dark skin.
In one of Mascavo's advertising posts, followers commented things like: “What did the black model wear? Bruna Tavares, Boca Rosa or Karen Bachini? I ask this because in Mascavo there is nothing for her, right”, “There is nothing more embarrassing than wanting to consume a product and simply not having the right tone”, “The brand name should be CLEARER”between others.
Mirella Qualha, a digital personality in the beauty niche, tested the darker contour tone and was disappointed because it was unnoticeable on her skin. She also tested the brand's two bronzers after Mari Saad commented that on dark skin they would only give a shimmer and not a tan effect, but this was not the expected result. The repercussion was so great that even an American influencer, Golloria, commented and shared about Mascavo's color palette.
Review by Mirella Qualha on Mascavo bronzers (Video: reproduction/Instagram/@iamirella)
Karen Bachini, another beauty content creator who also has her own makeup line, published an open letter on her YouTube channel regarding the launch of Mascavo. In the video, Karen says that the issue is not just about black people being able to buy the products or not, but about feeling included and belonging to that brand, something that other bloggers are building when they think about the tone portfolio of their skin products.
Featured photo: Mari Saad (reproduction/Instagram/@marisaad)
Mari Saad apologizes after criticism of the lack of diversity of tones in Mascavo
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Mari Saad apologizes after criticism of the lack of diversity of tones in Mascavo