Marina Ruy Barbosa responds to criticism on her social network: “this is extremely toxic”
Actress Marina Ruy Barbosa decided to open her Instagram Story this Thursday (16) to vent about how cruel people can be on social media. The artist also revealed that recently, when posting a photo on her profile, she was called by some internet users a “horrible” and that was “too thin”.
Understand the outburst
Upon arriving from recording the soap opera “Fuzuê”, Marina decided to take some time to sit in front of her cell phone and record a sincere Story, in which she responds to several criticisms received and vents about how she currently views social media.
Marina began her long speech by stating that when used correctly, social networks do have positive points, such as freedom of expression. He then revealed that on several occasions in the webhas seen situations in which Internet users physically compare two women or even the same person at different times in their lives and categorically stated that such an attitude is cruel and asked: “Why did this obsession with diminishing or hurting someone’s self-esteem become funny? Or was it positive?”.
The actress continued her outburst: “What I feel is that it has become an obsession with belittling women, no matter their age, profession, how they dress…Nothing! There is always a lot of criticism about any woman’s physical appearance and this is extremely toxic.”.
Preciosa's interpreter even commented, horrified, on a recent situation in which several people used an old photo and a current photo of model Adriana Lima to compare and make negative comments about her physical appearance.
To conclude her conversation with her followers, Marina revealed that last week she had posted a photo on her feed and received comments such as “you look horrible”, “you’re too thin”and warned internet users how negative comments made repeatedly can lead to even more harmful situations. The artist also noted that most of the time these types of derogatory comments are made by women, which for her is extremely worrying.
Marina came out in defense of Adriana Lima
Marina Ruy Barbosa had already responded, this Wednesday (15), to some criticisms about the current appearance of model Adriana Lima, 42, who became the target of several nasty comments from internet users.
Global, which was quite indignant when faced with so many negative comments about the appearance of the top modeldecided to defend her. “How long will this internet court exist in relation to women’s appearance? Stop!”began Marina.
Marina Ruy Barbosa comes out in defense of Adriana Lima (Photo: reproduction/Caras)
After attending an event, the former Victoria's Secret model became the target of criticism from internet users who allege that Adriana had exaggerated cosmetic procedures. Several users ended up rescuing old photos of the model to make a comparison with her current physical appearance.
Featured photo: Marina Ruy Barbosa responds to criticism on social media (Reproduction/Instagram/@marinaruybarbosa)
Marina Ruy Barbosa responds to criticism on her social network: “this is extremely toxic”
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