MC Guimê breaks the silence on debt in court
The recent revelation of a new love in MC Guimê's life has reignited the flames of a financial imbroglio that has accompanied the funk singer for years: a million-dollar debt relating to the purchase of a luxury property in Greater São Paulo. This Monday (1st), he decided to speak out and clarify the details of the case on his social networks.
In a video published on his social networks, Guimê acknowledges the existence of the process, but denies having left any issues for other people. He emphasizes that the situation is an ongoing judicial process, with specific determinations from the judge.
The mansion in Alphaville was the scene of a big dream that became a financial nightmare for the ex-couple MC Guimê and Lexa, estimated at almost R$3 million, including expenses and legal fees. The property became the subject of legal dispute after the relationship ended in September 2023.
The singer made a point of emphasizing that the situation is not about irresponsibility or lack of payment. “It's not true that I left someone a debt, that so-and-so paid it or that so-and-so resolved it. This is an ongoing judicial process, with a court order for everyone involved to be present“, he clarified in his stories.
Past backwards, focus on the present
MC Guimê also took the opportunity to ask the public to leave the past behind and focus on the present. “VWe love to live in the now, the past has already happened. Life is happening” he said.
In a tone of appeal, he asked his followers to stop spreading hate on their social networks. “It's 2024, people! Let's stop this negative energy. Breathe, calm down and let's spread good things“, concluded Guimê.
MC Guimê wishes his fans a happy Easter alongside his new girlfriend (Reproduction/Instagram/@mcguime)
Uncertain future
There is still no definition on how the debt will be paid. The legal process is still ongoing and the fate of the mansion is still uncertain. Continue following new updates and developments about MC Guimê's financial imbroglio.
Featured photo: MC Guimê shares click on Instagram (Reproduction: Instagram/@mcguime)
MC Guimê breaks the silence on debt in court
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