New York’s most expensive hotel is for sale for US$40 million
.New York hotel puts 348 m² unit on sale for US$40 million. The administration made the property available on the real estate market with an increase of 16% compared to when the property was purchased two years ago.
Property details
The apartment, located on the 18th floor of the historic Crown Building in Manhattan, has three bedrooms, 348 square meters and a private pool, as well as floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the park and Fifth Avenue. Designed by Jean-Michel Gathy, the apartment follows Aman’s signature Asian-inspired style and is fully furnished. The public resale of this unit is the first of any unit at Aman, which is located at 730 Fifth Avenue, and was initially sold for US$47 million, according to a spokesperson for the development.
Interior of the Aman Hotel suite (Photo: reproduction/Aman/InfoMoney)
Luxury real estate market
The luxury real estate market in New York has shown some stability, with properties selling at a similar pace to 2023, according to Donna Olshan, president of brokerage Olshan Realty. However, she believes there is potential for the unit to sell for close to the asking price, which is $10,678 per square foot. Aman apartments offer access to hotel amenities such as spa, gym and restaurants, as well as a private entrance on 56th Street, and are considered by brokerage Brett Miles to be one of the most powerful residential brands for international buyers looking for luxury properties.
Friends and the mystery of how Monica and Rachel paid the rent
The cost of living in New York is very high and, when it is a large building facing Central Park, as is the case with Monica and Rachel’s residence, the property qualifies as a luxury property. This issue left many fans in doubt about how the characters manage to stay in a place like this.
With this, the thesis was raised, based on an episode from the fourth season, that Monica’s grandmother was the original tenant of the apartment and the granddaughter ended up inheriting the house with the value of US$200 per month, which was the even paid by the family member. If the corrected costs for the time of recording the series were to be taken into account, the rent would be at least US$3,000 per month.
Featured photo: Hotel facade (Reproduction/Aman)
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New York’s most expensive hotel is for sale for US$40 million
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New York’s most expensive hotel is for sale for US$40 million