On vacation in New York, Ana Maria Braga meets filmmaker Spike Lee
On social media, Ana Maria Braga shows every moment of her vacation in New York. Away from the “Mais Você” stand, the presenter, last Thursday (08), shared a moment alongside American filmmaker Spike Lee. Both attended Madison Square Garden, on Tuesday (05), to watch the basketball match between the NBA teams, “New York” and “Atlanta”. In her last post on Instagram, Ana posted a video of the exact time she met Spike in person.
Check out the moment of the meeting between Ana Maria Braga and Spike Lee (Reproduction/Instagram/@anamariabragaoficial)
Spike and Brazil
Winner of international awards, such as the Oscar for “Best Adapted Screenplay” in “Klansman”, Lee is recognized worldwide for his film productions that address racial and political issues. The filmmaker also participated in the direction of the video “They Don't Know About Us”, starring none other than the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. The clip was recorded in 1996, with filming in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia.
Remember Michael Jackson's music video “They Don't Know Care About Us”, directed by Spike Lee (Video: reproduction/YouTube/Michael Jackson)
In 2022, the film producer was also in the country, attending “Rio Innovation Week”, an event focused on technology and business. He gave a talk talking about his professional experiences and tips for interested parties looking to enter the cinema job market. However, before attending the location, he decided to include in his busy schedule a visit to Morro da Santa Marta, where Michael's music video was recorded previously.
Return of Ana Maria
Together with her family and her current boyfriend, also a journalist, Fábio Arruda, Ana Maria Braga is enjoying her break from TV Globo outside the country, with a motorhome trip across the United States. They have already been to Arizona, California, and now, they are enjoying their trip to New York. When honoring an invitation from the NBA to a competitive match and, by chance, ending up meeting Spike Lee, Ana reported that, although the game was not as exciting compared to the last one, she experienced an incredible night.
According to Talitha Morete, who took charge of the daily program with Fabrício Battaglini since the beginning of February, Ana Maria will return to TV Globo's morning screens next Monday (11).
Featured Photo: on the left, presenter Ana Maria Braga; on the right, filmmaker Spike Lee (Reproduction/ Instagram/ @anamariabragaoficial/ @officialspikelee)
On vacation in New York, Ana Maria Braga meets filmmaker Spike Lee
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