Possible signs and symptoms of cancer
– how to remain healthy, health and wellbeing, latest symptoms and treatments.
By paying attention, you increase your chances of detecting a possible cancer at an earlier stage. That way, less aggressive treatment may be sufficient, and you increase your chance of recovery. As you get older, you need to be even more alert to these warning signs.
Don’t panic
Whether a persistent complaint is really the result of cancer, can only be determined by a doctor after the necessary medical examinations. If necessary, your doctor will refer you for further follow-up of the complaints or for appropriate treatment.
The 16 most common warning signs
- Persistent hoarseness or cough, especially in smokers and ex-smokers.
- Shortness of breath for no apparent reason and/or chest pain.
- Difficulty swallowing, especially in people who smoke and drink alcohol or if you are over 40.
- Unexplained and persistent pain, for example in the back, chest, abdomen, bones…
- Chronic change in bowel habits: constipation, diarrhea, or alternating between both.
- Recurrent indigestion or heartburn (reflux), with no apparent cause.
- A persistent bloated feeling and/or a swollen abdomen.
- Unexplained weight loss and/or loss of appetite.
- Problems with urination, especially in men, such as difficulty urinating, pain when urinating…
- Extreme or unusual tiredness, for no apparent reason.
- Profuse night sweats or persistent fever with no apparent cause.
- Abnormal or unexplained bleeding, such as:
– vaginally outside menstruation or after menopause,
– blood in the urine, stool or sputum,
– spontaneously occurring bruises. - Lump, swelling or scaly spot anywhere on the body, e.g. testicle, breast, armpit, under the skin….
- Change or appearance of a pigment spot on the skin: new moles or changes to them, such as color, shape, size, itching and easy bleeding
- Non-healing wound or ulcer in the mouth or on the skin.
- Repeated or persistent infections that do not heal.
Also read: Should you be concerned about a lump or tumor in your neck?
Possible signs of the most common cancers
1. Breast cancer
• Changes in the shape of a breast;
• A lump or swelling on the breast or armpits;
• a change in the nipple or areola: inverted nipple, discoloration, scaling or thickening, discharge;
• pain;
• dents, pits or folds in the breast.
2. Cancer of the female reproductive organs
• Abnormal bleeding between periods, after menopause, after intercourse;
• Vague abdominal and/or lower back pain; bloating, nausea…;
• Loss of appetite;
• Changes in bowel movements;
• Fat belly
3. Prostate cancer
• Problems with urination: weak and/or interrupted urine stream, difficulty urinating, frequent urination, the feeling that the bladder is not completely empty…;
• Pain or burning sensation when urinating or ejaculating;
• Blood in the urine or semen.
4. Stomach, liver and intestinal cancer
• Unexplained fatigue;
• Unexplained weight loss, prolonged loss of appetite;
• Change in bowel habits: constipation, diarrhea or alternating between the two;
• Unusual persistent nausea;
• Blood in the stool;
• Persistent cramps or abdominal pain;
• Yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes, changes in urine and bowel movements.
5. Lung cancer
• Persistent cough (at least 3 weeks);
• Persistent hoarseness;
• Persistent chest pain;
• Shortness of breath for no reason;
• Coughing up blood;
• Frequently recurring bronchitis or pneumonia;
• Unexplained fatigue;
• Unexplained weight loss.
Read all about lung cancer here
6. Skin cancer
A suspicious skin spot:
• that changes;
• gets two unequal halves (not symmetrical);
• has a jagged edge or notch;
• has different color shades;
• is larger than 6 millimeters;
• itches, becomes inflamed or bleeds.
Read all about skin cancer here
7. Lymphatic system cancer and leukemia
• Fatigue;
• Paleness,
• Unexplained weight loss
• Fever, heavy sweating
• Sore throat
• Spontaneous bruising
• Swelling of lymph nodes and enlargement of the liver and spleen
8. Bladder and kidney cancer
• Blood in urine;
• Difficulty urinating: pain or burning sensation, difficulty urinating, frequent urination, sudden need to urinate…;
• Pain in lower abdomen and/or lower back;
9. Head and neck cancer
• Swelling or pain in the mouth or neck;
• Wound or ulcer in the mouth that does not heal;
• Difficulty chewing or swallowing, choking or a ‘lump in the throat’ feeling;
• Persistent hoarseness;
• Audible breathing (stridor);
• Persistent cough or sore throat;
• Lumps in the neck area;
• Bleeding from the mouth or nose;
. Changes in hearing or pain around the ear;
• Headache;
• Nasal congestion or changes in odor perception;
Possible signs and symptoms of cancer
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Possible signs and symptoms of cancer