Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities

by Xavier Catherine
Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence

Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities
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One of the reasons people take out car insurance is to protect themselves from city violence, such as robberies, assaults and reckless driving. While drivers are trying to reduce the cost of their car insurance, the accident rate increases, which does exactly the opposite.

To give you an idea, a vehicle is stolen or robbed every minute and Rio de Janeiro is at the top of this ranking.

In 2016, a survey was carried out to identify which states had the highest robbery rates and the results can be seen below.

Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities

Image: UOL

The point is that the higher the theft rate of a vehicle, the higher the insurance cost tends to be.

A survey carried out and published in the Gazeta do Povo newspaper makes this clear. It is possible to check the price variation from one state to another.

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Reduce the cost of your car insurance with these tips

Even knowing all these numbers, the Superintendence of Private Insurance (Susep) points out that 70% of the country's fleet does not have insurance.

Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in citiesReduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities

But, if you are smart and have already thought about protecting your vehicle, check out some tips and reduce the cost of insurance.

Choose cars that are less stolen

Avoid buying the car that appears at the top of the list of most stolen vehicles. At the time of writing this article, the car that appeared in first place in the Susep ranking was the Gol 1.0.

There were 3,088 records of theft/robbery across the country, meaning that 1.32% of the fleet was exposed to this type of accident.

However, if the percentage of most stolen vehicles x fleet is analyzed, the one that stands out is the Towner with 9.507% of the damaged cars.

Drive at quieter times

Prefer to drive at times considered less dangerous. A study commissioned by two insurance companies found that around 52% of thefts occur between 6pm and midnight. The lowest incidence is between midnight and 6am, with only 8% of thefts occurring.

Therefore, if your routine allows, choose to drive at times when the vehicle is less exposed.

Cuidados e segurança com gás natural ao abastecer seu carro

Choose the right car colors

Have cars in less visible colors. Silver, black, white, gray and red cars are the most stolen. Together they account for 93% of stolen vehicles.

Therefore, when buying a car, it is worth considering the color of the vehicle and opting for the least visible ones, this helps to reduce the cost of car insurance.

Install a vehicle tracker

Get a vehicle tracker. Having one installed in your car can significantly reduce the cost of insurance.

This happens because on average the vehicle recovery rate reaches 95% with the tracker, well above cars that do not have this equipment.

Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities

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Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities


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Reduce the cost of car insurance even with the violence in cities

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