Registration for the International Happiness Congress is now open
– how to remain healthy, health and wellbeing, latest symptoms and treatments.
Twenty speakers have already been confirmed for the event. Among them are Nun CoenZen Buddhist nun, writer and speaker, with the theme “Is it possible to be happy?”; Clovis de BarrosPhD, author and professor at the School of Communications and Arts at USP, speaker for over 10 years in the corpo world, with the subject “A life worth living”; and the Indian philosopher Sri Preethajitransformational leader and co-founder of the Oneness Movement.
Other confirmed names are Amyr Klinka pioneering navigator in rowing across the Atlantic Ocean, with the theme “Adjusting the sails to face uncertainties”; Marcos Piangers, writer who has sold more than 1 million books and is a phenomenon on social media and the internet with more than 1 billion views, talking about “Protagonism and happiness – the change you make in the world”; and Daniel Mundukuruwriter, teacher and indigenous leader, developing the theme “Happiness in the worldview of native peoples”
Two panels have also been announced. The first will have the theme “What is success?”, with Cris Diosbusinesswoman and founder of “Laces and Hair”, and Sheilla Castrotwo-time Olympic volleyball champion, and mediation by the journalist specializing in comprehensive health, writer and teacher Mariana Ferrao. The second will be “The child I once was”, with the poet, writer and composer Allan Dias Castro and the musician and producer Tiago Correawhich are conducive to the project Reverb Poetry.
What? VII International Congress of Happiness
When? November 2nd and 3rd
Where? Positivo Exhibition Center – Barigui Park (Burle Marx Ecological Al., 2518, Santo Inácio, Curitiba – PR)
Registration for the International Happiness Congress is now open
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Registration for the International Happiness Congress is now open