Renata Sorrah: What Happened?
The actress and theater producer, Renata Sorrah reported during an interview with The globe, who has not made any statements about his sexual orientation. In an interview, published this Sunday (4), Renata explained what happened and why he raised his hand during the show when a question was asked about sexuality.
A few weeks ago, in the month of May, Renata Sorrah was attending a play in Rio de Janeiro, entitled “Transpophagic Manifesto”, by the actress and protagonist Renata Carvalho.
At a certain point in the play, Oak leaves the stage and goes down to speak to the audience about the need to normalize trans bodies. And it was at that moment, when the play's actress interacted with the audience, that Renata Sorrah raised his hand when the protagonist asked who of the people present was bisexual.
After the incident, many outlets began publishing articles saying that “eternal Nazaré Tedesco” would have come out as bisexual. But stop The globe, Sorrah denies that it was an act of declaration of his sexuality: “They put it as if it were a statement from me about bisexuality. It wasn't a statement of anything”.
Renata He says that there, while watching the play, in the place where he was, she was everything. And that anything asked by the protagonist of the show would make her raise her hand “just to be together”.
According to the response of the actress, who plays the character Wilmain the seven o’clock soap opera “Go in Faith”she was just trying to be as participative as possible. Sorrah said she was moved along with the mothers and sisters of transgender women and men who were present in the audience. “I raised my hand to feel like I was arm in arm with everyone, all these wonderful people who were there”, he concluded.
Renata Sorrah currently plays the character Wilma, in “Vai na Fé”. (Photo: Reproduction/Disclosure/TVGlobo)
During the interview, Renata also spoke about the issues that are being addressed by Brazilian theater in recent times.“When we do theater, we need to touch on fundamental issues”, she says. Sorrah says that it is necessary to talk about and embrace these unavoidable struggles throughout the period, and that theater, in its act of affection, has always been involved in essential debates.
Featured Photo: Renata Sorrah. Reproduction/Purepeople Website
Renata Sorrah: What Happened?
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