Rodrigo Mussi's mother admits to having charged him money after BBB22
Mother of former BBB22 Rodrigo Mussi, Mara Lúcia Abrão de Carvalho, revealed that she charged R$50,000 to her son after his elimination in the 22nd edition of Big Brother Brasil. Mara made this revelation in an interview with the program “Domingo Espetacular”, on Rede Record, which will air on Sunday night (21). In the conversation, the influencer's mother defended herself against the accusations that were allegedly made, such as, for example, that she was taking advantage of Rodrigo's success. The businesswoman claims that the charge is related to a loan she made to her son to help him travel to Australia.I was very hurt”, explained Mara.
Metrópoles columnist Leo Dias had access to excerpts of the interview given by the businesswoman. Mara Lúcia claims to have looked for Mussi as soon as he left the Globo reality show. According to her, the money she is demanding would be used to pay off a loan made to Rodrigo to finance his trip to Australia. Also in the interview, she claims that before participating in BBB22, the influencer did not have the financial means to cover the costs of the trip.
Rodrigo Mussi. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
The shopkeeper defended herself against Rodrigo's accusations. The boy stated that his mother took photos of him while he was hospitalized recovering from the serious car accident he suffered in March of this year.My mother took a picture. I was in a coma and the cameras [do hospital] They caught her, and the security guard went after her and told her to delete the image”, said Mussi in an interview with the Leo Dias column.
Mara denies having taken a photo and claims that even though journalists were looking for her, she always denied it.I was very hurt. I wasn't going to sell any photos. I didn't even take any photos! I visited him and several reporters came to see me there and I always said no.”, she explained. Still in the conversation, Rodrigo's mother said that she would only give an interview when he got better.I replied that I would only speak to the press next to my son when he was standing. I dreamed that after this accident I would have my son by my side again.“, he said.
The businesswoman explains the reason for having separated from her children, Rodrigo and Diogo Mussi, and highlights the strained relationship with the father of the former BBB. Mara Lúcia said that her children lived in good financial conditions, however, Rodrigo and Diogo's father had problems with alcohol and abused his children. She claims to have separated so as not to see her children suffer. Rodrigo's father died in 2011, in a car accident.
Featured Photo: Rodrigo Mussi. Reproduction/Instagram
Rodrigo Mussi's mother admits to having charged him money after BBB22
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