Suárez disappoints in the Brasileirão and drives fans crazy
In the match between Grêmio and Bragantino, Luis Suárez scored the second for Tricolor, tying the game, and drove the fans crazy; look
This Sunday, the 7th, the Guild received the Bragantinoin a match valid for the fourth round of the Brasileirão. When the Immortal lost the game, by 2 to 1, Luis Suarez appeared and left everything the same on the scoreboard. In this way, taking advantage of the defense of the club from São Paulo, the Uruguayan striker took it first, with no chances for the goalkeeper and scored his first goal in the competition. See the reactions of the fans!
I love you Suarez so much
— caneppele🇪🇸 (@caneppele_maria) May 7, 2023
and it was a great goal by Suarez, a shot that was difficult to hit
— ᶜᵉᶜ🥷 (@p_henriqueCEC) May 7, 2023
The ball needs to reach Suarez to finish, the way of playing and the lineup has to benefit him.
— Fabiano 🇪🇪🇪🇪 (@FabianoLucas_) May 7, 2023
Suarez is next, I love you
— bia • (@unkbat) May 7, 2023
Suarez y galdigol, the duo of millions
—Wilioo (@WiliamBehm) May 7, 2023
Suarez goal 🇪🇪
— Kauê Santos 🇦🇺 (@KauesantosX) May 7, 2023
Suárez disappoints in the Brasileirão and drives fans crazy
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