Substance present in citrus fruits helps reduce weight gain

Substance present in citrus fruits helps reduce weight gain

Substance present in citrus fruits helps reduce weight gain

A survey published in the journal metabolites, carried out by scientists in Food Research Center (FoRC) of FAPESPheadquartered in University of Sao Paulo (USP) points out that limonenewhich is a substance richly found in citrus fruits, is capable of help reduce weight gain.

The substance belongs to the class of monoterpenes, which are bioactive organic compounds with several beneficial effects: antioxidant, antimicrobial, antitumor, healing, analgesic, and among other benefits. However, further studies are still essential so that its mechanisms of action are more clearly understood.

Citrus fruits. (Photo: Reproduction/Pexels)

The search

The effect on weight control was analyzed in micein a study coordinated by a professor at the Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USP, Jarlei Fiamoncini. In total, five groups with different diets were observed.

Two groups of mice were chosen to receive daily, for six weeks, a diet with a high amount of fat so that they would become obese. In the feed, the scientists put different doses of limonene, one group received low doses of the substance and the other higher doses.

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The third group of these animals was fed the same ration, but without the substancewhile a fourth group received a diet moderate in fat and carbohydrate.

At the end of the experiment, mice fed with moderate diet did not gain weightwhile those who received only the ration, without the substancegained around 7 grams.

The group that won the ration with the high doses of limonene had approximately 25% less weight compared to those who received only chow, while those who were fed with low doses30% less.

It was also noticed that the lowest dose of limonene promoted less fat accumulation in different adipose tissue structures – Body fat reservoir, mostly located in the hypodermis, the deepest layer of the skin.

According to Jose Fernando Rinaldi Alvarengafirst author of the study, collaborating researcher at FoRC and FAPESP grantee, one of the theories that may explain these results is the action of the substance on the intestinal microbiota of the animals.

When consumed, limonene, in addition to being absorbed by the body, could be acting in the modulation of the microbiota. However, at high concentrations, it may have eliminated beneficial bacteria from the intestinal microbiota, thus decreasing the benefits related to the reduction of weight gain.”, he says.

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Another hypothesis by Alvarenga is that ”the substance, when absorbed, was biotransformed by the body into other molecules, being responsible for this effect”

It was through the analysis of the urine of these mice that it was possible to identify these molecules that gained new structures.

We found some already identified metabolites and other molecules that we did not yet know. In the future, we may be able to study these new molecules to assess potential benefits. This is important because, in addition to possibly identifying these benefits, it may be that other already known effects, such as glycemic control and microbiota modulation, are also partly provided by monoterpenes.”, said the scientist.

Finally, the researchers highlighted the need for further studies, not only in relation to limonene.

Featured Photo: Citrus fruits. Playback/Pexels.

Substance present in citrus fruits helps reduce weight gain

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