understand the NBA star’s connection to the country!

understand the NBA star's connection to the country!

understand the NBA star’s connection to the country!

Main player of the season for the Nuggets, Nikola Jokic has the help of a very important name in his career on the court

At age 28, Nikola Jokic is the big name in world basketball and one of the main highlights of the playoffs of NBA. While reserved, the Serb does not hide his good humor in front of the cameras and also does not care about some randomness he makes during his conversations with American journalists.

So much so that his nickname ‘Joker’ suited him very well, who, with his spontaneity, gave no chance to the experienced LeBron James. But what few know is that Jokic has a strong relationship with the Brazil. In the NBA since 2014, when he was selected in the second round of the Draft by the Nuggets, Nikola was not celebrated by many right away.

But one of those present at Jokic’s arrival at the Denver Nuggets connected with the Serb right away. In the franchise since 2010, Felipe Elchenberger He is a physical trainer and worked as an assistant when the player was hired. Today, he is head of the sector and won the best coach award last season in the NBA.

I’ve known Felipe since I arrived here. I’m always working with him. Just because I was unknown when I arrived, they just told me: ‘Go work out with him’. I am joking. But really, he had a big impact on my life, on my career.“, said Jokic at a press conference.

Jokic and Felipe Elchenberger embrace
Jokic hugging trainer Felipe Elchenberger (Credit: Reproduction / Instagram)

A fan of soft drinks and Börek, a pastry typical of his region, Nikola even became overweight and drew everyone’s attention to the Nuggets. Gradually, many realized that his attention was not on the physical part, but only on having fun playing basketball. As the weeks passed, he understood what he would need to do to break out of ‘ostracism’ and become one of the best in the NBA.

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The Serb’s growth in the league was notorious and earned him two consecutive MVPs, in addition to five nominations for the All-Star Game; he made the NBA’s all-star selection three times. This season, in addition to beating LeBron James and winning the western conference title for the Nuggets, the ace also took the MVP of his region.

understand the NBA star’s connection to the country!

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