understand the new TikTok trend
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Recently, the “eyebrow blindness” trend is going viral on TikTok, where people show eyebrow models that they used to use in the past, but now feel ashamed of them. Even though it has a touch of humor, it opens up discussions about how trends can influence people to follow them without questioning whether it really suits them.
The impact of the internet on changing trends
Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are responsible for defining current trends, influencing their users to adopt them so as not to be “out of fashion”. The eyebrow styles that are gaining more popularity this year include straight, laminated, thin and natural-looking eyebrows, which respect the original design and only fill in the gaps.
However, in 2016, the fashion was for thick, well-filled eyebrows, with model Cara Delevingne being the main inspiration. This influence was even reflected in the makeup market, with many brands launching products for this area. In fact, Benefit launched 13 eyebrow pencils that year alone.
American makeup artist James Charles made several videos teaching his followers how to do this eyebrow style when it was all the rage, and now he’s taken part in the trend by revealing his shame for having followed it. In the video, he wrote: “Girls are making videos about their ‘eyebrow blindness’… You all have perfect vision compared to me. The worst part is that my tutorials definitely caused it.”
@jamescharles Worst part is that my old tutorials definitely caused this… I'm so sorry
♬ Gnarls Barkley Crazy Stephen Kramer Glickman – Gustavo Rocque
James Charles participating in the “eyebrow blindness” trend (Video: reproduction/TikTok/@jamescharles)
Reflection on trends and authenticity
It is natural for trends to change over time and for people to laugh or feel embarrassed about having participated without realizing that something doesn't suit them. Therefore, it is very important to reflect on whether what is trending suits you or whether you just want to follow the crowd, especially if there are significant changes to your appearance. This assessment not only promotes self-confidence, but also helps to avoid impulsive decisions that can have lasting consequences.
Featured photo: Amanda Khamkaew (Reproduction/Instagram/@amandakhamkaew)
understand the new TikTok trend
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understand the new TikTok trend