Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe show work on the mansion in Goiânia

by Xavier Catherine
Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe show work on the mansion

Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe show work on the mansion in Goiânia

This Wednesday (29), Virginia Fonseca used her social networks to give her followers an exclusive view of the works in progress at her mansion in Goiânia, in the company of her husband Zé Felipe, son of singer Leonardo. The couple posed among the not-yet-finished buildings, while the influencer recorded details in the property's outdoor area.

One tour by construction:

Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe showed details of the work on their future residence, revealing spaces such as a wine cellar and leisure area, while the influencer highlights the magnitude of the project.

Video containing interesting facts about the ongoing work on Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe's mansion (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@virginia)

In a video, the couple exposes some interesting facts about the work on the family's huge mansion. Initially, to load the chosen floors, scenes show that around five men and a piece of rolling equipment are needed, due to the size and weight of the pieces.

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For the bathroom of daughters Maria Alice and Maria Flor, the same type of stone was used, in a pink tone. Virginia explained that to avoid future fights, she preferred to set up the same decoration for both. “And anyone who is a mother of two or more knows what I'm talking about.”, added the influencer. Furthermore, a bathroom with a sauna was an option for the couple.

In the staircase that is intended for another floor, a “fulcrum”, containing a sofa for resting, the influencer explained that due to the number of steps, it may be necessary to take a break on the way up. An elevator is also included in the construction of the house. A 105m² swimming pool will also be built in the house. In addition to a leisure area with fireplace, hot tub for up to 12 people, sauna, gym, heated wine cellar, beauty salon and massage room.

About the construction

As they posed in the developing facility, Virginia shared thoughts about the hard work it took to complete the home, expressing gratitude for everything she had accomplished.

Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe pose at work on the future mansion (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@virginia)

Today was the day to visit the work on our house!!!!! Drag to the side
– Having a good and beautiful (imaginary) wine in our wine cellar
– Oh, how wonderful the summer is, taking a sauna (imaginary too) silly
– Looking and thinking that we have to work TOO MUCH to finish this house
Thank you God for absolutely everything you gave me“, said Virginia in an Instagram post.

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Followers did not hesitate to express surprise at the size of the mansion, some commenting that the house looks like “bigger than a neighborhood“, “My apartment is exactly the same size as this pool, 105m²”, while others praised the details, especially the concern for the daughters’ bedroom.

Featured Photo: Virginia and Zé Felipe (Reproduction/Instagram/@virginia)

Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe show work on the mansion in Goiânia

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