2K reveals players who will be on the cover of NBA 2K25
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This year's honor went to Boston Celtics star and current NBA champion Jayson Tatum.
A 2Kthe company that developed the games in the series NBA 2Krevealed the first images of its new title, NBA 2K25including who will be on the cover of copies of the game. This year's honor went to the star and current NBA champion for Boston Celtics, Jayson Tatum.
The games also feature a “WNBA Edition”, which will star A'ja Wilsoncurrent two-time champion with the Las Vegas Acesincluding a Finals MVP in the last title.
As is customary every year, there will also be a “Hall of Fame” edition, the cover of which usually honors a legend of the league. This year, the legendary point guard Vince Carter will star. Check out the arts below:

In addition to the covers, images of in-game players such as Jayson Tatum, Vince Carter and VictorWembanyamawere part of the announcement.
The game's release date is still unknown, but with the release of the initial images, more details can be expected soon. In this iteration, the company announced the inclusion of mode parity between the consoles that will support the game.
Players will also see advancements in ProPLAY technology, which aims to enhance the realism of the simulation. Additionally, more MyNBA content will be added, as well as a redesign of The City.
2K reveals players who will be on the cover of NBA 2K25
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2K reveals players who will be on the cover of NBA 2K25