5 reasons to take out truck insurance
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Anyone who works with trucks on Brazilian roads knows how dangerous they are. In addition to the many robberies and cargo thefts, the driver is also subject to an accident. See below 5 reasons to take out truck insurance.
You may be in doubt about taking out insurance for your truck because of the cost, which is often high, but remember that security is not a price. Therefore, find out below 5 reasons to take out truck insurance and not have any headaches!
5 reasons to take out truck insurance
1 – Peace of mind in the event of an accident
Accidents happen on the highways every day. In 2017, to give you an idea, the recorded number of compensations exceeded 200 thousand. The truck is a heavy vehicle and accidents are generally violent and cause not only material damage, but physical damage as well.
It is very important to take out insurance that fully covers accidents.
2 – Security in case of truck theft
Drivers often resist robberies because they don't want to lose their work tools. The outcome is usually fatal, unfortunately. If insurance is contracted, the loss will be minimized, as it largely depends on the coverage chosen at the time of contracting.
If the truck has insurance, the driver will not stop driving because of this inconvenience.
3 – Less financial loss in case of cargo theft
In Brazil, cargo theft is frequent. The state of São Paulo, in 2017, had an average of 1,012 thefts or robberies per month. Sometimes, robbers tend to be violent and not only take the cargo, but also kidnap the driver.
Insurance is ideal, as it often also covers the cargo, if you take out this coverage.
4 – Certainty of being assisted in the event of damage to third parties
The amount paid by DPVAT (Personal Injury Insurance Caused by Land Motor Vehicles) alone is not enough to cover compensation and medical expenses. Therefore, the ideal is to have comprehensive coverage for these cases.
5 – Problems with truck mechanics
Because they are vehicles made for long trips, spending days and days on the road, trucks end up wearing out a lot, which is natural. The quality of the roads also influences mechanical problems, mainly with broken parts.
Throughout the Brazilian states, we have highly potholed and dangerous highways, in addition to dirt roads that are poorly maintained. If it rains, for example, the truck could break down or get stuck in a quagmire.
The damage and losses for the driver can be more than just the repair, as there are deadlines to be met.
You cannot predict what will happen during your trip, so it is necessary to ensure safety and peace of mind if something unexpected occurs.
To avoid being at the mercy of robbers and to be sure that you will be compensated in the event of theft or serious accidents, the ideal is to take out truck insurance. Request a quote now to guarantee all these benefits, as it is worth paying to travel with all the confidence and assistance you need.
5 reasons to take out truck insurance
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5 reasons to take out truck insurance
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5 reasons to take out truck insurance