8-year-old boy thrills the country by waking up from a coma and revealing the rare disease that affects his skin
Guilherme Gandra Moura, aged 8, not only got emotional when he woke up from a 16-day coma, but also turned the eyes of the whole country towards epidermolysis bullosa. According to the Ministry of Health, the disease, which causes skin injuries, is rare to the point of impacting about 500,000 people worldwide.
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Guilherme finds his mother after waking up from the coma. (Video: Reproduction / Tik Tok).
Epidermolysis bullosa, which manifests itself at birth or during childhood, is an autoimmune and hereditary disease caused by a collagen deficiency.
The disease is responsible for leaving the skin so fragile that the slightest friction can hurt it or cause blisters. Therefore, doctors compare the skin of the little ones affected by the disease with butterfly wings and nickname them “butterfly children”.
Guilherme, who made more than 50 million people aware of the disease, also has incurable wings and was fighting pneumonia when he woke up from the induced coma.
According to the parents, in an interview with Fantástico, the boy was born with the disease and the friction of the uterus made him come into the world with “every part articulated” already skinless.
In addition, they point out that skin injuries are not the only impacts of the disease on Guilherme’s life. Stephen Mourathe boy’s father, explained that the healing of wounds makes the child’s formation process difficult, as “it ended up taking most of what it needs from what it acquires from proteins” and therefore his growth is greatly affected.
Even afflicted by the disease that, according to the Ministry of Health, affects four out of every one million children, Guilherme showed enthusiasm when he told Fantástico that, if he were a butterfly, he would like to fly to a soccer field with the Vasco players. The boy even thanked netizens for their prayers.
“Hi everyone, good morning. I just woke up. Thank you so much. Loved you praying for me. God bless!”
In addition, Guilherme had his dream come true when he received a visit from players Gabriel Pec and Figueiredo and from former Vasco player Rodrigo Dinamite.
Featured photo: Figueiredo and Gabriel Pec, Vasco players, visited Guilherme at the Hospital. Reproduction/Extra
8-year-old boy thrills the country by waking up from a coma and revealing the rare disease that affects his skin
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