Minecraft – The popular sandbox game Minecraft is getting a major update on June 7. The update, called The Wild, includes two new biomes and new enemies, according to a post on the official Minecraft site.
The two new biomes are the deep dark and the mangrove swamp. The deep dark lies deep underground. What is striking about this biome is the complete silence. The player can encounter two new enemies in these underground passages: the shrieker and the warden.
The other biome in the update is the mangrove swamp. In this mangrove forest a new type of wood can be found and it contains a new type of block, namely the mud block.
Minecraft gets two new biomes on June 7
The player can also create this himself, by combining an earth block and water in the crafting menu. Furthermore, the update adds frogs and tadpoles and players can sail in rowing boats with a treasure chest on board.
The update is free and appears for all versions of Minecraft. The game is available for Xbox consoles, PlayStation Consoles, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and Linux.
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