Pelé's widow, Márcia Aoki opened up about the death of the King of football
Márcia gave an interview to “Fantastic” and opened up about her last days with Pelé. The couple's relationship lasted 6 years, they met in the United States and got married in 2016. With a 26-year difference in age, the couple had no children. “ It's very difficult to say. I have wonderful memories, I have moments of great longing, of great loss. And I have moments that are very sad. And there are moments when I feel his strength, his company. I feel him.”, said Márcia.
Some time after the couple's union, the player began to have difficulty moving around, due to a hip problem.
Márcia Aoki and Pelé. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
“There was a world, both mine and his, very inner, which I didn't share with so many people. And he also had events, but his intimate and private life was at home. And in this we made a world of our own.”, stated Márcia who had a reserved relationship with the King.
“I don't believe he saw it as treatment. I believe he saw it as a moment he needed to face, as he faced several crises. That was his essence. If he had a crisis or a problem, he didn't think about the crisis or the problem. He just thought that he had to live, which had to be done in the best way possible. He had this immense life essence, a huge energy. I think that's what made him also become Pelé.”
Pelé was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2021, he underwent almost 2 years of treatment and his wife was always by his side, both at home and in the hospital. Márcia's care for Pelé was recognized by the King's children, as a result of other relationships.
Featured Photo: Márcia Aoki and Pelé. Reproduction/Twitter
Pelé's widow, Márcia Aoki opened up about the death of the King of football
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