Are you going to date Larissa Manoela at Disney? The news now!

by Xavier Catherine
Are you going to date Larissa Manoela at Disney? The

Are you going to date Larissa Manoela at Disney? The news now!

Internet users joke with the actress, as she took all her boyfriends to Disney, Larissa took the opportunity to joke too, as she is going for the first time with her fiancé. The proposal took place on a boat trip in Fernando de Noronha on the 18th.

You can say what you want, but this is the first time I've brought my fiancé. Did you really think he wouldn't come? He loves Disney as much as I do, right André! What a surreal experience“, joked Larissa, while wearing a Minnie tiara with a bride's veil during the walk in the park.

Larissa and André at Disney. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The actor also shared moments from the special day: “That was my reaction all day today, I just knew how to smile (more than I always do) and look like a baby, excited, not knowing what to do and she was all silly seeing a Disney maniac freaking out with her! We make many dreams come true together, right, my love? And it will be like this for life! There was a lot of dancing, a lot of shouting, a lot of fun, magic and fun. Anyone who thought there wouldn't be Disney was very wrong. In fact, there was no boyfriend again, there was a fiancé and fiancée (laughs)“, he commented.

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On the 28th, the actress turned 22 years old and received a beautiful declaration from her fiancé. “My ice cream, you are a woman with a light that it would not be possible to describe, but anyone who knows you or who has ever crossed paths with you can identify it at the same moment. You did not achieve and continue to achieve everything you achieved for nothing, you deserve it, you have willpower, you have a gift, you were born to inspire, to do good, to light the path, not just your own, but the of millions of people“, shared André.

You have not achieved and continue to achieve everything you have achieved, you deserve it, you have willpower, you have a gift, you were born to inspire, to do good, to light the path, not just your own but that of millions. of people”, he reinforced.

Featured Photo: Larissa and André at Disney. Reproduction/Instagram

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Are you going to date Larissa Manoela at Disney? The news now!

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