Zé Felipe responds to an internet user's comment that mocked Virginia Fonseca's success
This Tuesday (17), after the TV Pop website announced that Virginia Fonseca would have a weekly program on SBT, with the intention of competing with the Altas Horas program, on the Globo network, an internet user wrote an ironic comment in relation to Fonseca's fame. Virginia. But Zé Felipe, Virginia's husband, soon got into conflict with the follower and came to the defense of his beloved.
The comment
After the publication that Virginia would have a program on SBT, an internet user, remembering a meme that had repercussions on social media, commented in a tone of irony: “Virginia, if you were famous, who would you be?”he wrote. Shortly after the comment, Zé Felipe responded: “Fuck#$ that’s you, right?”.
However, this was not the only comment that the publication received, as several internet users even criticized the possible program that Virginia will present. “What a shame to put this woman in”said one. “Spare me”wrote another.
Even though there are negative comments, there are also followers who support the influencer and published messages of support for Virginia. “What a lot”said one. “Success Virginia”wrote another.
Check out the publication from the TV Pop website below:
Virginia will have a program on SBT (Reproduction/ Instagram/ @sitetvpop)
Virginia's new program
According to information released by the TV Pop website, the influencer could win a weekly program on SBT, which will be announced in the coming weeks. The intention of this program is to conflict the audience of “Altas Horas”,
The program will be called “Sabadou com Virginia”, and the director will be Gustavo Vaccari, who is also director of “Fofocalizando”. The dynamic of the program will be to bring in several celebrities, musical attractions, and will feature a reality show with giant foods, in addition to other programming. For now, the information has not been confirmed by either Virginia or SBT.
Featured Photo: Virginia Fonseca and Zé Felipe. Reproduction/ Instagram/ @zefelipecantor
Zé Felipe responds to an internet user's comment that mocked Virginia Fonseca's success
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