AI app creates perfect photos, but it can cause Body Dysmorphic Disorder

by stephen Douglas
AI app creates perfect photos, but it can cause Body

AI app creates perfect photos, but it can cause Body Dysmorphic Disorder

An application that allows people to use artificial intelligence for photos has recently exploded on social networks, many famous people have used the App and displayed their images on social networks using fully treated AI and in some cases photographs alluding to possible beautiful and perfect children similar to them.

But what seems innocent can lead to a serious health problem:

Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

According to plastic surgeon Dr. Regis Milani, the disease is a psychological condition that is characterized by concern, without control, with appearance.

“The carriers give exaggerated importance to small defects that, despite being imperceptible to other people, assume an enormous dimension to the eyes”, explains the doctor. The origin of body dysmorphic disorder is basically genetic and neurochemical, however, the environment factor can also influence, especially in childhood and adolescence. “Studies show that people with the following characteristics are more susceptible to the disease: Anxious; Perfectionists; Sad; Insecure; With low self-esteem; Tendency to loneliness; Introspective and Obsessive”, warns Regis Milani.

For plastic surgeon Regis Milani, social networks can be a trigger for the disease.

“This is because people have access to images that reinforce patterns that, in many cases, do not correspond to their physical biotype and are frustrated by not following certain stereotypes.

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Those with body dysmorphic disorder feel a physical discomfort in relation to their appearance, which leads them to seek help and solutions in plastic surgery, dermatology, dentistry, among others, to feel better. However, this need to perform a procedure to change their appearance can become an obsession. The tendency is for people to become more and more worried and dissatisfied with their “imperfections”, wanting to perform one surgery after another and, due to sadness, end up harming their performance at work or studies”, warns the doctor.

According to plastic surgery professor Ricardo Cavalcanti, member of the Brazilian and American Society of Plastic Surgery, a plastic surgeon’s approach to body dysmorphia may include:

careful evaluation

The plastic surgeon should perform a complete assessment of the person, taking into account their symptoms of body dysmorphia, medical history, and expectations regarding the surgery. It is essential to understand the motivation behind the pursuit of plastic surgery.

Referral for psychological evaluation

The plastic surgeon may refer the person to a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, for further psychological evaluation. This will help determine if plastic surgery is appropriate in the specific case and if further treatment for body dysmorphia is needed.

Discussion of risks and benefits

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If plastic surgery is deemed appropriate, the plastic surgeon should provide complete information about the risks, benefits, limitations, and realistic expectations of the procedure. It is important to have an open and honest conversation about possible outcomes, emphasizing that plastic surgery is not a permanent solution to body dysmorphia.

cautious approach

In some cases, the plastic surgeon may choose not to perform plastic surgery if there are significant concerns regarding the person’s body dysmorphia. Instead, one can explore other treatment options, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to address the psychological aspects of the disorder.

How to prevent the disorder:

The Doctor. Régis explains that acceptance can be the key to preventing the disease. “The best way to prevent the disorder is to accept and respect your own body, as well as not putting pressure on yourself to fit into appearance standards that don’t match your physical biotype. It is necessary to emphasize the natural beauty of people and diversity, keeping in mind that perfection is a very difficult idea to achieve ”, he concludes.

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AI app creates perfect photos, but it can cause Body Dysmorphic Disorder

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