Alexandre Correa publishes video of his son denying the attack on Ana Hickmann: “I didn't see any aggression”

by Xavier Catherine
Alexandre Correa publishes video of his son denying the attack

Alexandre Correa publishes video of his son denying the attack on Ana Hickmann: “I didn't see any aggression”

The ex-husband of presenter Ana Hickmann, Alexandre Correa, published a video on his social networks this Sunday (17), showing his 10-year-old son, denying the attack that the artist claims to have suffered.

In the video, Alezinho is sitting at the table with Alexandre drinking coffee, when he begins to say that he has never seen any aggression. “I didn’t see any aggression, I stayed throughout the fight, I didn’t see any aggression”he commented while eating.

The child also says that whoever believed the story of the aggression mentioned was wrong. “The people who believed it are wrong, I proved that this is a lie, I was there on the day of the fight”stated the boy.

After his son's words, Alexandre asks him to go back to drinking coffee. “Eat in peace now, eat, is grandma’s pancake delicious?”asked the businessman.

After the repercussion, the video was removed from the businessman's social networks.

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Other complaints involving the son’s image

This is not the first time that the businessman has questioned his son about more complex situations. In February, Alexandre published another video, involving his son, when questioning him about the alleged involvement between the artist and presenter Edu Guedes. Due to the boy's exposure, Ana filed a complaint against her ex-husband.

Alexandre Correa with his son, Alezinho, aged 10 (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@alexandrebellocorrea)

The businessman is responsible for the crime of subjecting the child to shame or embarrassment. Article 232 of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) provides for a sentence of six months to two years.

What the presenter’s advisor says

Given the situation, the artist's press office spoke out and explained that Ana declared that her ex-partner placed her son in a “vexatious” situation.

Ana Hickmann alongside her son, Alezinho, who turned 10 this past Saturday (16) (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@ahickmann)

“Defendant for domestic violence and violating the Child and Adolescent Statute, Alexandre Correa once again exposed his 10-year-old son in a vexatious and coercive condition on a social network. In search of manipulating the episode of aggression and harming Ana Hickmann, who was morally, physically and financially attacked by him. Alexandre subjects the child to constant public humiliation.”began.

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The note then ends by informing that the artist continues to protect her son from embarrassing content and regrets the businessman using her son in this way to obtain some advantage for himself.

Ana's office also denies that the ex-couple's son witnessed the attack.

Featured Photo: on the left, Alexandre Correa; on the right, Ana Hickmann and Alezinho Reproduction/Instagram/@alexandrebellocorrea/Instagram/@ahickmann/Montage by André Pontes

Alexandre Correa publishes video of his son denying the attack on Ana Hickmann: “I didn't see any aggression”

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#Alexandre #Correa #publishes #video #son #denying #attack #Ana #Hickmann #didn39t #aggression

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