Ana Paula Padrão gets irritated by MasterChef participant's 'calmness'
In the edition of MasterChef, shown last Tuesday (23), a curious scene caught the attention of the public who followed the Band program, in a tense test, presenter Ana Paula Padrão became irritated when talking about one of the participants.
In a recap that included participants who didn't do well in the first test, the cooks had to prepare esfihas. However, the 'excessive calm' of a participant took the presenter seriously.
Roberto Icizuca, who expressed dissatisfaction with the time taken to complete the test, “Time is short. The esfiha has to go into the oven, it may not arrive, it won't bake. A certain desperation begins to set in because time is running out.” said Roberto when talking about the test time.
Calm caught attention
Roberto's calm manner while preparing the dish caught the attention of the judges at the table. The program's guest, influencer, Tata Estaniecki was amazed at the participant's calmness, “Okay, guys. I'm amazed at how calm he is. I can’t cope under pressure.”
Ana Paula Padrão with the judges and guests of the program (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@anapaulapadraooficial)
Roberto Icizuca was the last to finish the race, the participant only finished his esfiha in the final seconds. The calm was worth it, Roberto had one of the best performances and remained on the program. Competitor Juan was eliminated from the gastronomic competition.
Ana Paula's swearword
The fact that the participant remained calm until the final seconds, took the reality presenter seriously. Ana Paula Padrão even swore while narrating the final stretch of the race. In the final seconds, Padrão got angry. “Face***. It's going to be zen like that at the hat house. Seriously, guys. Who can handle this 'zenzisse'?” said the presenter.
Competitor Juan, eliminated from the night, left a message when leaving the competition. Juan stated that he was sad about his elimination and that he never wanted to let go of the program.
Featured photo: Ana Paula Padrão on MasterChef (Reproduction/Instagram/@anapaulapadraooficial)
Ana Paula Padrão gets irritated by MasterChef participant's 'calmness'
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