Anitta is chosen as one of the highlights of the second weekend
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This Saturday (23), the second weekend of the music festival, Coachella, begins, an event that takes place in California, Anitta performed on the first weekend, entering the stage on a motorbike and singing several of her hits. The singer's show was well praised and the artist was one of those selected by the event to be one of the highlights and have the show broadcast live on YouTube.
The artist's show was the most anticipated, according to data from Goggle Trends, Anitta, after her performance on the first weekend, was the most searched artist.
Anitta during the Coachella show (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
Sandra Jimenez, director of YouTube Music, commented on the success that Anitta and singer Pabllo Vittar, who also performed at the festival, had during and after the shows. “These numbers are proof that these artists are making noise around the world. Through the press and social media coverage, it was clear how prominent they both were at the festival and now Google Trends data proves that the whole world wants to hear from them more and more.”
Some singers, when they take the stage, take a position in relation to what is happening in the country, Anitta, always brings her thoughts against the current president Jair Bolsonaro on her social network, in this way, the public believed that, like other artists who demonstrated against Bolsonaro in In her shows, the singer would also do the same, however, in response to the public. “It’s just that their strategy has changed. They have a younger and cooler social media team to precisely create his image, make the public forget the shit with internet jokes and memes that make young people think he's a cool guy, a good guy.” said via Twitter.
And he continues to inform that cases of demonstrations only give strength and image to the president. “So, at this moment, any demonstration against him through artists will be reversed in the form of mockery through his social media. So the artist becomes boring and he becomes the cool guy who takes everything in stride.”. Anitta whenever possible talks about the elections on her social networks, the singer even joked that she would only take a photo with her fans if they had a voter registration card.
Featured Photo: Anitta at Coachella. Reproduction/Instagram
Anitta is chosen as one of the highlights of the second weekend
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Anitta is chosen as one of the highlights of the second weekend