Arctic Monkeys release “The Car”, their seventh studio album that marks 20 years of the band’s career

by Clare Dominic
Arctic Monkeys release “The Car”, their seventh studio album that

Arctic Monkeys release “The Car”, their seventh studio album that marks 20 years of the band’s career
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With a sound totally different from their rock roots, the English band Artic Monkeys returned this Friday (21) with the release of their seventh studio album, entitled “The Car”. In total there are 10 songs composed by frontman Alex Turner and produced by James Ford, one of the group's collaborators since the second album “Favorite Worst Nightmare”2007.

The quartet had released the singles “There'd Better Be a Mirrorball”, “Body Paint” and “I Ain’t Quite Where I Think I Am”which gave a preliminary vision of what the new album would sound like, in a more experimental style and with orchestrated arrangements.

Arctic Monkeys release their seventh studio album (Reproduction/Instagram)

The debut comes four years after the last work and follows the same sound as the album “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino”. The new album shows that the band is no longer interested in composing songs like they did at the beginning of their career, and is betting on a more detailed sound, with pianos and fewer guitars. However, contrary to the criticisms made of the 2018 album, the group has fearlessly embraced this new style.

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The Car

1- There'd Better Be a Mirrorball

2 – I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am

3 – Sculptures of Anything Goes

4 – Jet Skis on the Moat

5 – Body Paint

6 – The Car

7 – Big Ideas

8 – Hello You

9 – Mr Schwartz

10 – Perfect Sense

The band formed by Alex Turner, Matt Helders, Jamie Cook and Nick O'Malley celebrates 20 years of career with the release of its seventh studio album. Active since 2006, the quartet has collected several hits such as “Do I Want to Know?“, “Fluorescent Adolescent“, “505″, “RU Mine?”between others.

Since August, the group has been performing a series of shows in various locations and will arrive in Brazil at the beginning of November. For three days, they have scheduled performances in Rio de Janeiro (November 4), in São Paulo as the headliner of the Primavera Sound Festival (November 5) and in Curitiba (November 8).

Featured photo: English band Arctic Monkeys. Reproduction/Instagram

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Arctic Monkeys release “The Car”, their seventh studio album that marks 20 years of the band’s career

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Arctic Monkeys release “The Car”, their seventh studio album that marks 20 years of the band’s career

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