Bolsonaro's defense requests Moraes' removal from the coup investigation
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This Monday (2), the defense of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) presented a new request for the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, to be prevented from continuing to conduct the investigation into the alleged attempt of a coup d'état and a plan to assassinate authorities, including President Lula (PT). Furthermore, the defense also requests the annulment of all acts and decisions by Moraes related to the cases.
Justification: Moraes would have a personal interest
Bolsonaro's lawyers argue that Moraes would not have the impartiality to continue leading the investigation, since he would be one of the victims of the extermination plan. The defense maintains that this involvement characterizes the minister's personal interest, which could compromise the conduct of the investigations.
STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes (Photo: reproduction/Ton Molina/Getty Images Embed)
Repeated request
It is not the first time that Jair Bolsonaro's defense has requested Moraes' removal from the investigation into the possible coup. In February, they had already presented a request, but it was denied by the president of the STF, minister Luís Roberto Barroso. Now, the Supreme Court plenary will judge an appeal against this decision this Friday (6).
Experts consulted by CNN stated that there is no type of irregularity in Moraes' actions, as the crimes investigated constitute an attack against the Democratic Rule of Law. According to them, the victim, in this case, is not an individual, but the community.
Analysis of the Inquiry by the PGR
Also this Monday (2), the Attorney General's Office (PGR) began analyzing the Federal Police (PF) investigation, which involves Bolsonaro and 36 other people in the alleged attack against democracy. The PGR will assess whether those investigated will be charged with the crimes of attempted coup d'état, criminal organization and abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law.
Featured photo: Former president Jair Bolsonaro (reproduction/Instagram/@jairmessiasbolsonaro)
Bolsonaro's defense requests Moraes' removal from the coup investigation
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Bolsonaro's defense requests Moraes' removal from the coup investigation