Brown vents about future and avoids “excuses” against Heat

by Clare Dominic
Brown vents about future and avoids "excuses" against Heat

Brown vents about future and avoids “excuses” against Heat

The Celtics lost to the Heat in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals, and Jaylen Brown opened up about his future in Boston; see details

Jaylen Brown you still don’t know what your future will be in NBA. Highlight of Celtics during the playoffs, the player declined to comment on what decision he will make in his career. According to “ESPN”, he has the possibility of extending his bond with Boston for another five years and receiving a total amount of 295 million dollars over these next seasons. Even with a tempting offer, the star gave no clues about his choice.

After the loss to the Heat last Monday, the 29th, Brown was asked about his future during the press conference, but revealed that he was unable to answer the question. Shaken by the fall at TD Garden, the star highlighted that he still couldn’t digest the negative result in the final of the eastern conference, but assured that this theme will be thought over the next few months.

I don’t even know how to answer that question right now, to be honest. My thought process is to take one day at a time, focus on getting better. Focus on what the future holds and see where we are from there“, he stated.

In addition to talking about his future, Jaylen Brown had to respond to the possibility of Joe Mazzulla leaving the command of the Boston Celtics after the elimination to the Heat. He recalled the difficulties that the coach went through during the season and insisted on supporting the commander, even though both still do not know where they will work next season.

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Celtics and Heat in the NBA
Jayson Tatum was injured during the match against the Heat and was unable to live his best night in the NBA (Credit; GettyImages)

I give Joe my respect. Tough situation to be in. And he took (the Celtics’ sticky situation) and moved on. We’ve had two rookie coaches in the last two years, and Joe coming from Ime as an interim, starting and then progressing to being the head coach, just totally accepted that challenge and got us to this point. It’s a tough position for a guy to be in. I don’t have to make any excuses and I’m not making any excuses now“, he explained.

In addition, as he said earlier, he did not want to make excuses for the Celtics’ loss to the Heat and pointed out that the Celtics fell short of what was expected of the team in the Eastern Conference Finals. Even so, he returned to support Joe Mazzulla: “We fall short. But I still respect our coaching staff and that group we had on the field”.

Brown vents about future and avoids “excuses” against Heat

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