Carlinhos Brown talks about his daughter’s entry into “Travessia” and attributes a vocation to Marieta Severo

Carlinhos Brown fala da entrada da filha em
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Travessia – clear buarque daughter of Carlinhos Brown made his father very proud after his entry into the cast of Crossing. The 24-year-old actress is the singer-songwriter’s daughter with Helena Buarque actress’s daughter Marietta Severe with singer-songwriter boy buarque. In the plot of Glory perez Clara lives Bia.

Travessia Statement

I was very happy that she truly accepted herself as an actress. Because Clara is a ‘cantatriz’, she sings very well, she composes, she has many talents. But she has the pride of a father… But there is also something that I am very grateful for, which is the presence of the grandmother in the family, the woman who is the matriarchal guidance of grandmother Marieta in Clara. I see Marieta a lot in Clara, as I see the mother, the presence of Helena, who is a super mother”.

“But I think Clara as an actress comes from Marieta Severo. And that makes me extremely proud, because she followed the right path, followed the path of a theater and cinema diva. And Clara is killing it and I’m so happy with this actress that has come out. I just thank God for being able to see my daughter succeed”, said the proud singer.

“But those laurels belong to Marieta Severo. Clara followed the right path, the path of a TV, theater and cinema diva”.

Highlighted the singerClara is killing it and I’m so happy. I really wanted to see what is happening and I thank God for this great opportunity to be able to see my children succeed, it is very good”.

Always talking about his personal life, Carlinhos Brown gets emotional and talks with his eyes shining about his children, the singer who is the father of eight children commented on the artistic connection that each one has.

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“They are all in art! Chico plays with Marisa Monte. Miguel has just recorded his first album. Nina, who lives in the United States, too. Ceci is discovering herself, she is a singer with a talent for the visual arts. Leila is also a musician, she paints very well and the two little ones, Maria and Daniel, are already showing off. Maria is definitely going to play, she can’t see a pan that comes out ringing”, added the singer.

Featured Photo: Clara Buarque with her father Carlinhos Brown, very proud of their daughter. Playback/Instagram @carlinhosbrown

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