Corinthians hits base promise sale; see values
With the need to pay its debts, and seeing some positive points in the negotiation, Corinthians agreed, this Monday, the 26th, to sell the club’s main jewel
O Corinthians should complete the sale of its main jewel in the base this week. This is the attacking midfielder Pedroaged 17, who is about to go to Zenit, from Russia, for an amount close to 12 million euros (R$ 62 million), according to journalist Samir Carvalho. The club sees some benefits in the deal.
The first of them concerns the age of the athlete, who is under 18 years old, and therefore would remain in the squad until he becomes of legal age. Another point is the payment of part of the transfer in cash, which would allow management to continue paying its debts. It is worth remembering that Timão currently has a Transfer Ban in effect.
The last, and perhaps main, positive point seen by the alvinegra board is the percentage that will be sold. Currently, the club has 80% of its economic rights, and will sell 50% of them, with a value close to 9 million euros (R$ 46.7 million) in the operation. In this way, Corinthians will keep 30% of the rights for future negotiations.
Still according to the report published by the journalist of “UOL Esporte”, the tendency is that the president Duílio Monteiro Alves accept the proposal from the Russian club in the coming days. Another important point is that Zenit has preference in buying Pedro, which means that if Timão receives another proposal, the Russians will have the opportunity to cover.

Seen in the base categories with the potential to be the biggest sale in the club’s history, at least this time it will not come to fruition. This because Pedrinhonot today Atlético-MG go to Benfica for 18 million euros in 2020. The current Timão player has a termination fine of 120 million euros, placed in the last contract renewal.
Corinthians hits base promise sale; see values
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