Crossing: Audience surrenders to Jade Picon’s talent after Chiara’s scene. Look!

Crossing: Audience surrenders to Jade Picon's talent after Chiara's scene

Crossing: Audience surrenders to Jade Picon’s talent after Chiara’s scene. Look!

Jade Picon debuted as an actress already causing controversy. Without any experience, she won a prominent role in a nine o’clock soap opera on Globo. Obviously, it wasn’t easy at first, not least because she didn’t know what she was doing in front of the cameras.

The criticisms did not shake her. She confirmed that she had been studying acting since she accepted the invitation for “Travessia”, but it was in the experience that her evolution really appeared. Missing a few chapters for the soap opera Gloria Perez reach the end, the influencer managed to touch the hearts of the public.

Viewers saw Jade’s evolution throughout the plot. As she studied, Chiara became a deeper figure in history. In this Tuesday’s episode, May 2, the mother-to-be brought the audience to tears.

The scene in which Chiara caresses her stomach while looking in the mirror and bursts into tears over the dilemma she lives during her pregnancy went viral. The name of the actress and the character, in addition to the soap opera, ended up among the 20 most commented subjects on Twitter.

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Some fans said they were moved by the scene. “Never in the history of Brazilian television drama has there been a Pregnant woman as beautiful as Chiara de Jade Picon”, wrote another.

There were those who recognized the evolution of the ex-BBB – something that was clear from the beginning of “Travessia”, in October. “Paying my full tongue here, Jade Picon is delivering too much in this final stretch of Travessia. She had a remarkable evolution of acting. That’s it, she threw herself and grew. She deserves congratulations!”, she declared.

“If one day I was against Jade Picon in the 9 pm soap opera, I paid with my tongue, I love you Chiara”, announced another.

Some viewers were moved to tears by the scene, mainly because of the moment that the character lives: facing a dilemma with the father of the child, who is her ex-husband. Love the son, hate his father. It was really a tense situation that moved Brazil. Jade Picon exceeded all expectations.

“Actress Jade Picon! I was very moved in this scene!”, said one. Another added: ”

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Crossing: Audience surrenders to Jade Picon’s talent after Chiara’s scene. Look!

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