World of Warships – Wargaming has just announced the new and complete branch of Pan American light cruisers for World of Warships. Available in the PC version from March 30th, the novelty includes 10 ships for all players to research, which is the largest inclusion of ships from Latin American countries ever made in the franchise.
World of Warships
Based on historic ships and original projects, the branch models have, as a common feature, main battery guns with medium firing range and good ballistics — an attribute that affects the shape of the ellipse of shot dispersion —, which makes them effective for combat at any distance.Its armaments feature a good rate of fire and medium-power torpedoes, while consumables include Repair Party and a choice between Hydroacoustic Search or Defensive AA Fire. Finally, the good concealment capabilities of these vessels allow players to adopt hybrid combat strategies, such as quickly positioning the ship to make the first attack or safely retreating if necessary.
Among the countries represented in the debutant Pan American light cruiser branch of World of Warships, Argentina stands out with three ships, followed by Colombia and Mexico with two each. The remaining three ships are from Brazil, Chile and Peru. See the complete link below:Level I, Hercules – Argentina
Tier II, Admiral Barroso – Brazil
Level III, Vicente Guerrero – Mexico
Level IV, Cordoba – Colombia
Level V, La Argentina – Argentina
Tier VI, Admiral Cochrane – Chile
Tier VII, Colonel Bolognesi – Peru
Tier VIII, Ignacio Allende – Mexico
Level IX, Santander – Colombia
Level X, San Martin- Argentina
Historic ships from Latin AmericaAmong the new Pan American light cruisers in World of Warships, four of them represent historic ships. Starting with the Hércules, a River-class frigate that participated in the Battle of the Atlantic under the command of the US Navy, under the name of USS Asheville. After that event, she was sold to Argentina, where she was renamed Hercules and, in 1961, Juan B. Azopardo, serving the country’s navy until 1969.La Argentina, in turn, was designed and built for the Argentine Navy in the United Kingdom based on the fast cruiser Arethusa. The order arrived in the country in 1939 and served until 1974. The ship is represented in the game based on original blueprints from the British archives from 1939.
The armored cruiser Almirante Barroso was built by order of Brazil in Great Britain and served the Brazilian Navy between 1896 and 1931, making history as the first Brazilian ship with a radiotelegraph. Finally, the Peruvian vessel Coronel Bolognesi was a Fiji-class light cruiser, also built in Great Britain. After serving in the Royal Navy in 1943 under the name HMS Ceylon, she was transferred to the Peruvian Navy in 1960, serving until 1985.Original World of Warships ships
Original creations from World of Warships, the other vessels that complete the game’s Pan American light cruiser branch also rely on historical facts. This is the case of the Mexican ship Vicente Guerro, of tier III, a version of the cruiser Navarra that served the Spanish Navy from 1923 to 1956. Because Mexico imported ships of this type from Spain in the 1930s, it is likely that it may have been one of the models.The Colombian Santander, of level IX, is based on one of the preliminary designs of the 1948 Worcester. At that time, with the end of the Second World War, the USA (owner of this model) negotiated several vessels with Latin American countries, which could include this ship that bears the name of one of the most important figures of the Independence of Colombia, Francisco de Paula Santander.
The same logic applies to the Mexican cruiser Ignacio Allende, tier VIII, and the Argentine San Martin, tier X. Although both are also based on Worcester, they differ in propulsion, visual details, number of weapon and cannon distributions, between others.In addition to the arrival of Pan American cruisers, the game update brings the return of “Hot Tub Battles” and a special campaign where new players can earn up to $20 to celebrate two years of World of Warships on the Epic Games Store. Login this link to see the full details.What’s New for Console Players
While PC players explore the new and complete branch, World of Warships: Legends sailors, available for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, can play with the first Pan American ship for this version: the tier VII battleship Atlantic, representing Brazil. The vessel has accurate main battery guns for penetrating shells and long-range secondary guns.In addition to the Atlantic debut in Legends, the console version of World of Warships also gets its first Pan American commander: Pedro Lima Santos. Among his skills, he is able to increase damage from torpedoes and bombs.
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