Cruzeiro goalkeeper criticizes investigated athletes; look!
Rafael Cabral was asked about the situation involving a Cruzeiro player and also about the others involved in the scheme
As for Richard, we don’t know, it’s too early to say. Of course we were sad for a teammate. But, honestly, all that is happening is a joke. It ends up tarnishing, let’s say, the image of the player class, and that’s sad“, opined Rafael Cabral.
It is worth noting that Rafael Cabral preferred not to adopt the same tone with his partner Richard. Also investigated in the scheme, the steering wheel was removed by Cruzeiro. Despite not being at the club when he would have participated in match-fixing, he ended up being punished by the Minas Gerais team. However, the goalkeeper did not want to criticize his teammate.
Already the technician pepa preferred not to delve into the matter. When citing Cruzeiro’s official note, he wanted to be concerned only with the players available in the squad. In addition, the Portuguese said he will not judge anyone involved in the case and avoided talking about the scandal that has been affecting Brazilian football.

“I will not stretch. From the moment the club issues a statement, it is spoken. We all make mistakes in life, I’m not here to judge anyone, because the process will still occur. Therefore, I cannot stretch. We have the communication that the club made, we have to look at the players that we have available“, said Pepa at a press conference.
Cruzeiro goalkeeper criticizes investigated athletes; look!
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