Daniel Alves will give a new statement to the Spanish Justice
According to information reported by Spanish newspapers Cadena Ser radio It is the countryupon request of his defense, the player Daniel Alvesaccused of raping a 23-year-old girl at a nightclub in barcelonaat Spain, will give another new statement to justice. The hearing is scheduled for next Monday (17).
Under the criminal law of the country, an accused person can testify as many times as he wants and for that reason the judge Anna Marinresponsible for the case, granted the right to the athlete.
Daniel Alves (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
The former player of the Brazilian National Team is under preventive detention in the brians prison 2 since the end of January this year, and has already given three different versions to the authorities, in all of them Daniel denies the accusations.
In your first deposition Daniel claimed not to know the victim and that he would not have had contact, physical or sexual, with her, shortly afterwards he changed his version saying he knew the young woman and arguing that the relationship would have been consensual, in yet another statement alves gave details about the night of the incident and once again denied the attacks.
The girl who accuses him, and who had her identity preserved, maintains her first version, that she was sexually raped by the player in the bathroom of a luxury nightclub in Spainat the end of December last year, shortly after the incident, the victim was rescued by the local employees who immediately activated the security protocol “Do not call”, provided for by law to combat acts of gender violence in leisure spaces in the country. In addition to the testimony, the victim’s defense also presented as evidence the images of the closed circuit of the place, which shows the right-back leaving the bathroom where the alleged rape took place, in addition to the expert report that pointed out signs of sexual assault.
After finding contradictions in the Brazilian’s testimony, the country’s Justice decreed his preventive detention without the right to bail, the defense of Daniel Alves tried to revert the decision to home, but the appeal was denied. The trial remains without a set date.
Featured Photo: Daniel Alves (Reproduction/Mauricio Salas/Getty Images)
Daniel Alves will give a new statement to the Spanish Justice
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