Do you dare to participate in A Fazenda? He answers!

by Xavier Catherine
Do you dare to participate in A Fazenda? He answers!

Do you dare to participate in A Fazenda? He answers!

The digital influencer Rodrigo Mussi recently participated in an interview on the program “Sideways with Fefito“, of UOL. After it appeared in the media that the former BBB would reveal that he would not participate in “The farm“, network reality show Record. He gave, exclusively, an interview to Lorraine to clarify that he would not have said he would not enter the program.

Rodrigo participated in the 2022 edition of “Big Brother Brazil” and came out in the second week, even though it wasn't very accepted, to stay longer in confinement, the influencer was quite successful outside the house.

After some time off the program, Mussi suffered a car accident and is currently better and getting back into shape. In the interview given to the presenter Fefitohe declared that “The farm“, one of the realiaties that formerbrothers and sisters usually go, it's not in his plans at the moment, but it was reported in the media that he would refuse to participate in the program.

Exclusively for Lorena Mussi, she clarifies that “I didn’t say that I don’t want to go in, I said that at the moment I didn’t think about it”clarified Rodrigo.

The influencer says he loves challenges and “We don't know tomorrow”. He states that, at the moment, due to his program “Coffee with Mussi“, is doing very well, he doesn't think about it at the moment, but he loves challenges and likes to have adventures.

Photo: Rodrigo Mussi in an interview on “De Lado com Fefito” (Reproduction/YouTube/Splash)

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The influencer also doesn't really like the idea of ​​going to “Blind Wedding” (Netflix) It is “On vacation with ex” (MTV), but seemed to get excited about the “Dropped and peeled” (Discovery): “I'm still out of shape, but let me go to the gym and you'll see!” he commented.

He was also excited about the idea of ​​perhaps participating in the “The Circle“, a reality show from Netflix whose participants interact through a social network called “Circle”, but none of them know who is who, much less whether they are real or fake. In addition to this, “The Masked Singer” program on the Globo network in which the presenter is the singer Ivete Sangalo and the participants dress up, he declared that his costume would be “Tamonha”, he joked.

The ex-BBB also spoke a little about his love life. With a reputation for womanizerRodrigo says he does not intend to get married at the moment: “I want to get married… [Mas só] in about five years!” he says.

He also revealed to Fefito that he had hooked up with some celebrities, but did not reveal anyone's name. The influencer comments that he likes women to take action.

Featured photo: Rodrigo Mussi. Reproduction/O Planeta TV

Do you dare to participate in A Fazenda? He answers!

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